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Managing Host Access IDs

Note If you are using ID Manager with Host Access Server v. 3.2, be sure to install the MCS update for ID Manager.

Management & Control Services (MCS) provides IDs to client applications at runtime. If you manage IDs in this way, you can omit unique connection data (such as T27 station IDs or UTS terminal IDs) from the client (viewer, printer applet, or Smart Connector) configuration. This lets you create a single configuration that can be used by multiple clients to establish multiple sessions with a host, rather than having to create a separate configuration for each host connection.

To use this feature of MCS:

When a user starts a client, the client gets an ID from MCS and uses the ID to connect to the host. MCS keeps track of (monitors) the IDs that are in use. If all the IDs assigned to a pool are in use, no other host sessions can be opened through that pool.

Related Topics
Bullet How to Provide Host Access IDs to Clients
Bullet Managing Client Access
Component Help Systems
Bullet Using MCS: Overview of ID Manager