Host Access Server Guide Globe Icon

Installation Prompts for Management Components

When you install Management & Control Services (MCS), or any MCS components, in a UNIX environment, you may be prompted for the following information.

Install Type: When you are installing MCS or any component that uses MCS, press ENTER.

When you are creating a cluster of MCS servers, and only if Management & Control Services is the only item you're installing, type 2 and press ENTER. For information about MCS server clusters, refer to the Help for MCS after installation.

Host Name of This Computer: To use the displayed value, press ENTER, or type the appropriate value and then press ENTER.

Note The host name entered here must resolve to the IP address of the computer. If it does not, MCS will fail to install or run properly.

IP Address of This Computer: To use the displayed value, press ENTER, or type the IP address to use and then press ENTER.

HTTP Port: To use the default value, 8080, press ENTER, or type the port number to use for accessing the MCS console, and then press ENTER. You must include the port number in the URL used to start MCS. You cannot change this port number after installation.

HTTPS (Secure) Port: To use the default value, 8443, press ENTER, or type the port number to use for secure (https) access to the MCS console, and then press ENTER. This port number must be included in the URL for all https connections to MCS. You can modify this value later using MCS.

Password for MCS "system" User: Type the password for the Management & Control Services system account. This is a superuser account that allows the MCS administrator to access the MCS console to configure valid MCS users or groups and to install Runtime Services. The system account should be used only for these purposes; all other interactions with the MCS console should occur through an established user account.

Re-enter Password: Retype the MCS Administrator password.

Caution MCS passwords are encrypted, and there is no decryption algorithm. This means that there is no way to recover a lost password.

Discovery Agent Port: To use the default value, 6000, press ENTER, or type the port number to use for discovery, and then press ENTER.

Discovery Agent Group IP Address: To use the displayed value, press ENTER, or type the IP address to use for discovery, and then press ENTER.

Caution The Discovery Agent allows MCS components to find the main MCS server in their network by using discovery, given a group IP address and port number. When the Discovery Agent is used, the end user will not need to specify the location of the MCS server, and the location of the MCS server can be changed without affecting end users.

RMI Registry Port: This port is used internally by MCS. The default value is 44444. You need change it only if you are already using this port for some other purpose.

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