About the Help
Host Access Server comes with two levels of help: the product guide and component Help systems.
Host Access Server Guide
This guide is designed to provide an overall description of Host Access Server and the solutions you can create with it. Host Access Server includes a variety of components, which may be installed on different computers and used by different people within your organization. When procedures involve more than one component, this guide provides specific help. In other cases, the guide will link to the Help system provided with the component.
When this guide links to a component Help system, the new Help system will appear in a separate window. Links are provided in a list at the bottom of selected topics, to the right of the Related Topics links. In some cases, the links will go to specific procedures. If no procedure is specified, the main overview topic appears. See the samples below.
Component Help Systems
If you choose Help from a component's user interface, you will be provided with a component-specific Help system. Each component Help system has its own navigation, which means that the index and searches will be specific to that component. There are also links to the Host Access Server Guide. From the Host Access Server Guide, you can always link back to a component Help system from that component's overview page.