When you click a resource in either the Resources pane or Design View, the Resource Properties pane displays the properties of that resource. The left column of the Resource Properties pane displays the name of each property, and the right column displays its value. You change the properties of a resource by changing its values.
You can change a resource's properties either before or after dragging the resource from the Resources pane to the Design View. Any changes you make to the properties of a resource in the Resources pane are saved until you create or open a different presentation. Once you do that, the properties of the resource revert to their default values.
The properties of resources in the Resources pane and in the Design View are independent of one another. Changing the properties of a resource in the Resources pane does not change the corresponding resource's properties in the Design View, or vice versa.
Property |
Value |
Height |
Click the desired height for the resource:
To make the resource this high
Click this
200 pixels |
Half Standard |
400 pixels |
Standard |
If there is only one resource in the Design View and you set the height to Standard, the resource will occupy the full height of the browser window rather than only 400 pixels. This condition does not apply to Express Viewers.
In addition, if the DisplayType is Popup, this property determines the height of the area in the presentation from which the resource is invoked, not the height of the separate window in which the resource actually appears. |
Width |
Click the desired width for the resource:
To make the resource this wide
Click this
50% of the available width |
Half Standard |
100% of the available width |
Standard |
If two resources appear in the same row, the Width for each resource must be Half Standard.
In addition, if the DisplayType is Popup, this property determines the width of the area in the presentation from which the resource is invoked, not the width of the separate window in which the resource actually appears. |
Type |
This is the type of resource (such as WebDoc or Configuration). You can view but not change this information. |
Description |
This is the description of the application, configuration, or Web document. You can view but not change this information. |
Name |
This is the name of the application, configuration, or the Web document. You can view but not change this information. |
DisplayType |
Click the location in which to display the resource:
To display the resource in this location
Click this
Embedded within the presentation |
Embedded |
In a separate window |
Popup |
For ActiveX resources, selecting FullFrame displays the selected resource within the Design view. Any other resources in the presentation will not be visible. For EXTRA! Enterprise resources, selecting Embedded has no effect. The session always appears in a separate window. |
HeaderFile |
This property appears only for applications and configurations, and applies only if the value for DisplayType is Embedded. Click the name of the HTM file to use for the header. |
FooterFile |
This property appears only for applications and configurations, and applies only if the value for DisplayType is Embedded. Click the name of the HTM file to use for the footer. |
ObjectID |
This property appears only for applications and configurations, and takes effect only if the value for DisplayType is Embedded. Type the name to use to identify the application or configuration in any custom scripts that you have written. |
Align |
This property appears only for applications and configurations, and applies only if the value for DisplayType is Embedded. Click the value that indicates how the resource should be aligned relative to any content in an external resource header/footer pair:
top |
The resource is aligned with the top of the tallest item in the line. |
bottom |
The bottom of the resource is aligned with the bottom of the current line. |
left |
The resource is left-aligned, and any text wraps around the right side of the resource. |
right |
The resource is right-aligned, and any text wraps around the left side of the resource. |
middle |
The baseline of any surrounding text is aligned with the middle of the resource. |
center |
The resource is centered, and any text appears above or below it. |
TextTop |
The resource is aligned with the top of the tallest text in the line. |
TextMiddle |
The middle of the resource is aligned with the middle of the current line. |
TextBottom |
The bottom of the resource is aligned with the bottom of the current line. |
Baseline |
The bottom of the resource is aligned with the baseline of the current line. |
This property appears only for Web documents, and indicates the URL of the Web document. You can view but not change this information. |
DisableMenus |
This property appears only for Web documents, and applies only if the value for DisplayType is Popup. Select the check box to omit the browser menu bar and toolbar from the browser window in which the Web document appears, or clear the check box to show these items. |