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Presentation Settings Dialog Box

Name: This area displays the name of the presentation. You can view but not change this information.

Description: Type a description for the presentation. This description appears in Presentation Manager when the presentation is published.

Owner: Type your name or the name of the person or organization responsible for maintaining this presentation. This information appears in the presentation properties in Presentation Manager, and ensures that the Management & Control Services administrator knows whom to contact if there is a problem with the presentation.

Presentation Display Location

Right Pane: Click this option to display the presentation in the right pane of the Presentations page.

Full Browser: Click this option to display the presentation in the full browser window (the list of presentations will no longer be visible unless the user clicks the browser's Back button).

Separate Browser: Click this option to display the presentation in a separate browser window.

Disable Browser Menus: Select this option to omit the browser menu bar and toolbar from the presentation's browser window.

If you clear this option, the browser menu bar and toolbar appear in the presentation's browser window.

You can select or clear this option only if you clicked Separate Browser as the Presentation Display Location.

Presentation Display Properties

Background Color: This area displays the color that will be used in the background of the presentation. To use a different color, click Select and then complete the Choose a Color dialog box.

If you click an image in the Background Image list, this color will be hidden by the background image unless the background image has transparent areas.

Select: Click this button to display the Choose a Color dialog box. Using this dialog box, you can specify a background color using either a color palette, an HSB definition, or an RGB definition. (Browser-safe colors have RGB values of 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, or 255.)

Background Image: Click the image that you want to tile in the background of the presentation.

If the desired image does not appear in this list, click Add, type the name of the GIF or JPEG file (including the path) in the Image File box (or click Browse to select the file), and then click OK. The image is published to Management & Control Services (MCS), and the file name appears in the Background Image list.

Note Since the path to the file is not retained when the file is published to MCS, each file name must be unique.

If the image contains transparent areas, the presentations's background color appears behind the image.

Add: Click this button to display the Add Image dialog box. Using this dialog box, you can specify the location and name of a GIF or JPEG file, and publish that image to MCS. The file name then appears in the Background Image list.

Note If the presentation uses an external header, and the header contains a <body> tag, the attributes of the <body> tag take precedence over any background color or image specified on the Presentation Settings dialog box.
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