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Customizing a Presentation Owner Name

You can specify a default owner name for all presentations created using this installation of Presentation Integrator, and you can specify an owner name for an individual presentation.

The owner name appears in the presentation properties in Presentation Manager, and ensures that the Management & Control Services administrator knows whom to contact if there is a problem with the presentation.

To specify the default owner name
  1. From the Tools menu, click Preferences.

  2. In the Owner Name box, type your name or the name of the person or organization responsible for maintaining presentations.

    This owner name is applied to all presentations created using this installation of Presentation Integrator unless a different owner name is specified for a particular presentation.

    If you leave this box blank, no owner name is applied to any presentations unless one is specified for a particular presentation.

  3. Click OK.

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To specify the owner name for a presentation
  1. Create or open a presentation.

  2. From the Edit menu, click Settings.

  3. In the Owner box, type your name or the name of the person or organization responsible for maintaining this particular presentation.

  4. Click OK.

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Related Topics
Bullet Creating and Modifying Presentations
Bullet Creating a Presentation
Bullet Opening a Presentation
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