- Create or open a presentation.
- In the Design View, click the resource for which you want to specify a header or footer.
- To specify a header for the resource, click the desired file name for the headerfile property in the Resource Properties pane.
If the list does not display the header file that you want to use, click Add Header Footer from the Edit menu, complete the Add Header and Footer dialog box, and try again.
Since the path to the file is not retained when the file is published to Management & Control Services (MCS), each file name must be unique. |
To omit a header, click None.
- To specify a footer for the resource, click the desired file name for the footerfile property in the Resource Properties pane.
If the list does not display the footer file that you want to use, click Add Header Footer from the Edit menu, complete the Add Header and Footer dialog box, and try again.
To omit a footer, click None.