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Publishing External Headers or Footers

To publish an external header or footer
  1. From the Edit menu, click Add Header Footer.

  2. Click the Browse button next to the Files list, and select the header or footer file that you want to publish.

    Repeat this step for each header or footer file that you want to publish.

  3. If the files in the Files list reference any JavaScripts, cascading style sheets, images, or other files, and the path to the referenced file is relative to the Management & Control Services (MCS) database, click the Browse button next to the Referenced Files list, and select the referenced file.

    Repeat this step until the Referenced Files list displays all the files referenced in all the files in the Files list.

  4. Click OK.

    All the files listed on this dialog box are published to Management & Control Services, but only the files that appear in the Files list will appear on the Edit Header or Edit Footer dialog boxes, or in the headerfile or footerfile properties lists in the Resource Properties pane.

Related Topics
Bullet Overview of Headers and Footers
Bullet Specifying a Presentation Header and Footer
Bullet Specifying a Resource Header and Footer