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Customizing a Presentation Display Location

To specify the presentation display location
  1. Create or open a presentation.

  2. From the Edit menu, click Settings.

  3. In the Presentation Display Location group box, select the way you want the presentation displayed:
    To display the presentation in
    Right Pane The right pane of the Presentations page.
    Full Browser The full browser window (the list of presentations will no longer be visible unless the user clicks the browser's Back button).
    Separate Browser A separate browser window.
  4. If you chose to display the presentation in a separate browser window, you must also specify either to display the browser menu bar in the presentation's browser window by clearing the Disable Browser Menus option, or to omit the browser menu bar by selecting the Disable Browser Menus option.

  5. Click OK.
Related Topics
Bullet Creating and Modifying Presentations
Bullet Creating a Presentation
Bullet Modifying a Presentation