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ID Sets Page

Create Set: Click this button to create a new ID set.

Rename Set: Click this button to rename the selected ID set in the Sets list. This button appears dimmed until you click an ID set in the Sets list.

Delete Set: Click this button to delete the selected ID sets in the Sets list. This button appears dimmed until you click an ID set in the Sets list.

Sets: This list displays a list of the existing ID sets. When you click an ID set in this list, the IDs associated with this ID set appear in the IDs In The Set list.

IDs in the set: This list displays the IDs associated with the selected ID set in the Sets list, along with the type of ID it is (T27, UTS, 3270E, 5250E, Apollo, SHARES, MATIP-ALC, MATIP-UTS, or Sabre).

Remove ID: Click this button to move the selected ID from the IDs In The Set list to the Available IDs list, thereby removing the selected ID from the ID set. This button appears dimmed until you click an ID from the IDs In The Set list.

Available IDs: This list displays all of the IDs assigned to this name that have not already been included in an ID set.

Add ID: Click this button to move the selected ID from the Available IDs list to the IDs In The Set list, thereby adding the selected ID to the ID set. This button appears dimmed until you click an ID from the Available IDs list.

Related Topics
Bullet Overview of ID Sets
Bullet Creating an ID Set
Bullet Editing an ID Set
Bullet Renaming an ID Set
Bullet Deleting an ID Set