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Creating, Editing, or Deleting a Host Name Alias

When you assign IDs to a name, you can specify which host name alias to associate with that ID (if any), and which IP addresses or DNS names to associate with that alias. You can also create, change, or delete aliases or change the IP addresses or DNS names associated with an alias at any time using the procedures described below.

If you rename an alias, all of the IDs that currently use that alias are updated automatically to use the new alias. If you delete an alias, all of the IDs that currently use that alias are updated automatically to use no alias. If you change the IP addresses or DNS names associated with an alias, and an ID that uses that alias is currently allocated to a client, the ID continues to use the original IP addresses or DNS names until the session closes and reopens.

To create a host name alias
  1. In the MCS selection panel, point to MCS Functions and then click ID Manager.

    The ID Manager tree appears.

  2. In the ID Manager tree, click Configure.

    The ID Manager property pages appear in the MCS management panel.

  3. Click the Host Map tab.

  4. Click the Add button below the Host Name Aliases list.

  5. On the Add Host Name Alias dialog box, type an alias for the host, and then click OK.

    This can be any name of your choice, but it cannot contain commas, spaces, or an equal sign.

  6. Click the Add button below the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list.

  7. On the Add DNS/IP Host Name Associations dialog box, type the IP address or DNS name of the host, and then click OK.

    This information cannot contain spaces or an equal sign, and each IP address or DNS name must be unique among all of the aliases.

  8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each IP address or DNS name that should be associated with the selected alias.

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To change a host name alias
  1. In the MCS selection panel, point to MCS Functions and then click ID Manager.

    The ID Manager tree appears.

  2. In the ID Manager tree, click Configure.

    The ID Manager property pages appear in the MCS management panel.

  3. Click the Host Map tab.

  4. In the Host Name Aliases list, click the host name that you want to change.

  5. Click the Edit button below the Host Name Aliases list.

  6. On the Edit Host Name Alias dialog box, type a new alias, and then click OK.

    This name cannot contain commas, spaces, or an equal sign.

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To delete a host name alias
  1. In the MCS selection panel, point to MCS Functions and then click ID Manager.

    The ID Manager tree appears.

  2. In the ID Manager tree, click Configure.

    The ID Manager property pages appear in the MCS management panel.

  3. Click the Host Map tab.

  4. In Host Name Aliases list, click the alias that you want to delete.

  5. Click the Remove button below the Host Name Aliases list.

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To change the IP addresses or DNS names associated with an alias
  1. In the MCS selection panel, point to MCS Functions and then click ID Manager.

    The ID Manager tree appears.

  2. In the ID Manager tree, click Configure.

    The ID Manager property pages appear in the MCS management panel.

  3. Click the Host Map tab.

  4. In the Host Name Aliases list, click the alias whose IP address or DNS name you want to change.

  5. Do one of the following:
    Do this
    Add an IP address or DNS name to the alias Click the Add button below the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list, type the IP address or DNS name that you want to add, and then click OK.

    This information cannot contain spaces or an equal sign, and each IP address or DNS name must be unique among all of the aliases.

    Change an existing IP address or DNS name In the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list, click the item that you want to change, click the Edit button below the list, type a new IP address or DNS name, and then click OK.

    This information cannot contain spaces or an equal sign, and each IP address or DNS name must be unique among all of the aliases.

    Delete an existing IP address or DNS name In the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list, click the item that you want to delete, and then click the Remove button below the list.

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Related Topics
Bullet Overview of Host Name Aliases
Bullet Editing ID Properties