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Overview of Timeouts

For each name, you can specify two timeouts that control how IDs for that name are managed:

Note If you're using ID Manager with Smart Connectors, you must set the lease and inactivity timeouts to 0.

Lease Timeout

The lease timeout indicates how many hours must elapse before an ID becomes available for another session. Using a lease timeout ensures that a client can connect, disconnect, and reconnect to a host using the same ID, even if ID Manager is temporarily unavailable.

Once ID Manager gives an ID to a client, it checks with the client periodically to determine whether or not the ID is still in use. If the ID is in use, the lease renews automatically, and the client can continue to use that ID.

If the lease timeout is 0 or omitted, the ID is made available to another session as soon as the first session closes.

Inactivity Timeout

The inactivity timeout indicates how many minutes of inactivity can elapse before ID Manager closes the session. (In this context, closing the session means ending the connection with the host. However, the viewer or printer applet window itself remains open at the client.)

For example, if the inactivity timeout is 60, and the user does not transmit any data within 60 minutes, ID Manager closes the session automatically. The ID then becomes available for another session as soon as the lease timeout elapses.

If the inactivity timeout is 0 or omitted, the session never closes automatically.

Note If the list of IDs assigned to the name includes IDs for a printer applet, it is recommended that you set the inactivity timeout to 0 or omit a value, since printer applets typically receive but do not transmit data. Otherwise, the printer applet session will always close automatically after the specified time elapses.
Related Topics
Bullet Overview of ID Manager
Bullet Overview of Names
Bullet Overview of IDs
Bullet Changing the Timeout Values