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ID Properties: Host Name Alias Page

Use host name alias: Select this item to limit this ID for use with one or more specific hosts. If you clear this item, this ID can be used with any host.

Note Do not select this option if you are using this ID with e-Vantage Gateway or a Smart Connector.

In addition, if you use a host name alias with this ID, you can connect to the host IP addresses or domain names associated with that alias only with IDs that use that same host name alias.

Host name aliases: This list displays all of the host name aliases that can be assigned to this ID. When you click an item in this list, the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list displays the IP addresses or DNS names associated with that alias. Each alias must be unique, and cannot contain commas, spaces, or an equal sign.

When you select Use Host Name Alias and click an alias in this list, the ID will be limited for use with the IP addresses and DNS names associated with that alias.

Add: Click this button to add a new alias to the Host Name Aliases list.

Edit: Click this button to rename the selected item in the Host Name Aliases list.

Remove: Click this button to delete the selected item from the Host Name Aliases list.

DNS/IP host name associations: This list displays all of the IP addresses and DNS names associated with the alias selected in the Host Name Aliases list. Each IP address or DNS name can be associated with only one alias.

Add: Click this button to add a new IP address or DNS name to the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list.

Edit: Click this button to rename the selected item in the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list.

Remove: Click this button to delete the selected item from the DNS/IP Host Name Associations list.

Related Topics
Bullet Overview of IDs
Bullet Overview of Host Name Aliases
Bullet Creating, Editing, or Deleting a Host Name Alias