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Server: Information Page

Server name: Displays the name of the selected server.

IP Address: Displays the IP address of the selected server.

Port Number: Displays the port number on which MCS "listens" for HTTP requests on the selected server.

Web server: Displays the type of Web server application that is running on the selected server.

Operating system: Displays the operating system running on the selected server.

Cluster name: Displays the name of the cluster to which the selected server belongs.

Cluster group ID: Displays the unique ID of the cluster to which the selected server belongs.

Cluster priority: Displays the current priority of the selected server within its cluster. By default, the next lower priority is assigned to each successive server that is installed to the cluster. The highest priority is 0, the next highest is 1, etc.

The cluster priority determines the order in which control is passed between servers in a cluster if any of the higher priority servers fail.

Cluster type: Displays the type of cluster to which the selected server belongs. Values include mcs (default MCS Cluster) or cs (Configuration Server cluster).

Related Topics
Bullet Viewing All Servers and Clusters
Bullet Viewing Individual Server Information
Bullet Overview of Server Management