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Starting or Stopping a Trace

Using Management & Control Services (MCS), you can start or stop a configured trace as needed, or clear the buffer for a configured trace.

To start or stop a configured trace
  1. In the MCS selection panel, point to MCS Functions and then click Tracing.

    The Tracing tree appears.

  2. In the Tracing tree, click Configure Traces.

    The Configure Traces page appears in the MCS management panel.

  3. Select a trace from the Configured Traces list and then do one of the following:
    To do this
    Do this
    Start a trace that is currently Stopped Click Start.
    Stop a trace that is currently Started Click Stop.

  4. To clear the memory buffer for a configured trace, select the trace from the Configured Traces list, and then click Clear Buffer.

    For details on any of the options on this property page, click Help in the upper-right corner of the page.

Related Topics
Bullet Overview of Tracing
Bullet Configuring a New Trace
Bullet Modifying the Trace Style
Bullet Specifying Custom Trace Options
Bullet Deleting a Trace
Bullet Viewing Traces