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Assigning an Agent Machine to a Cluster

When an Agent machine registers itself with Management & Control Services (MCS), that machine initially appears in the Unassigned Machines list on the Agent Cluster Management page. After adding an Agent cluster to MCS, you can then assign Agent machines to that cluster.

To assign an Agent machine to an Agent cluster
  1. In the MCS selection panel, point to MCS Functions and then click Server Management.

    The Server Management tree appears.

  2. In the Server Management tree, click Agent Clusters.

    The Agent Cluster Management page appears in the MCS management panel.

    For details about this property page, click Help in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. In the Current Agent Clusters list, click the name of the cluster to which you want to assign the machine.

    Click Plus sign to expand the Current Agent Clusters list as needed.

  4. In the Unassigned Machines list, click the name of the Agent machine that you want to assign to the selected cluster, and then click Add>>.

    Click Plus sign to expand the Unassigned Machines list as needed.

    The Agent machine appears in the below the selected cluster in the Current Agent Clusters list, and it is also added below the Agent Clusters item in the MCS Server Management tree.

Related Topics
Bullet Overview of Server Management
Bullet Viewing Agent Cluster Information
Bullet Adding an Agent Cluster
Bullet Renaming an Agent Cluster
Bullet Removing an Agent Cluster
Bullet Removing an Agent Machine from a Cluster
Bullet Modifying an Agent Cluster's IP Address
Bullet Assigning an Agent Cluster to an MCS Server
Bullet Configuring an Agent Machine