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Using Airlines SDK with Visual Basic

Before Airlines SDK can be used with a Visual Basic project, the SDK COM objects must be referenced and the host type identified. These steps must be repeated for every Visual Basic project using Airlines SDK. Once completed, the Airlines SDK COM objects are accessible within that project. A simple test project is recommended to ensure full functionality before project development.

Note Attachmate e-Vantage Airlines SDK objects require 32-bit Visual Basic v. 4.0 or later.
To include the Airlines SDK COM objects in Visual Basic
  1. Create a new project, or open an existing project.

  2. From the Project menu, select Project References.

  3. From the References dialog box, select the following host-independent objects by clicking the box next to the object name: SessionLoader and Mutable.


    Select one or more of the following host-dependent Screen objects:

    • ScreenTn3270

    • ScreenTn5250

    • ScreenT27

    • ScreenUts

    • ScreenAlc

    • ScreenVt

  4. When you have selected all of the required objects, click OK to add them to your project.

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