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Requesting an ALC Lantern Gateway Screen Object

The XML to request an ALC Lantern Gateway screen object is as follows:

<ScreenAlc TerminalType="D1">
        <LanyonClient HostName="yourgateway" TA="yourTA" TerminalType="D1"\>

Additional ScreenAlc and LanyonClient XML parameters are shown in the tables below. Except where noted, these parameters use the following syntax:


where name is the name of a parameter and value is a valid value for that parameter. These tags should be placed within the object being defined. For example, to add the DisplayNewLines parameter, the first line of the XML shown above would be changed from

<ScreenAlc TerminalType="D1">
<ScreenAlc TerminalType="D1" DisplayNewLines="True">

The default values are shown in bold in the Value column or given in the Description column. If a parameter is not included in the Web page, its default value is used automatically.

ScreenAlc XML Parameters
Parameter Value Description
TerminalType D1 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 15 x 64.
D2 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 23 x 64.
D3 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 23 x 80.
D4 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 30 x 64.
D5 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 24 x 80.
DisplayNewLines True Display the newline character at the end of each line when the viewer receives data from the host.

When this option is set to True, CR appears in the status line.

False Do not display the newline character at the end of each line.
ForceCaps True Display uppercase characters as you type, even if you type lowercase characters.
False Display the text you type in both upercase and lowercase.
SwordMode True Transmit all data from the current cursor location to the preceding start-of-message (SOM) indicator or to the upper-left corner of the viewer window, whichever is encountered first. This ensures that the viewer does not wrap from the upper-left corner of the window to the lower-right corner of the window in search of an SOM indicator. (Sword screens normally do not include an SOM indicator.)
False Transmit all data from the current cursor location to the preceding SOM indicator. If the SOM indicator occurs after the cursor location, the viewer transmits all the data from the cursor to the upper-left corner of the window, as well as all data from the lower-right corner of the window to the SOM indicator.
SystemDownStatus text Up to 12 characters of text to display on the status line when a connection with the host is not currently established. The default is Sys Unavail.
PushRepeatStatus text Up to 9 characters of text to display on the status line when there is a problem with a message received from the host. The default is Push Rpt.
ReenterStatus text Up to 9 characters of text to display on the status line when an error occurs in the transmission to the host, or when the format is not correct. The default is Reenter.
KeyboardLockedStatus text Up to 9 characters of text to display on the status line when the keyboard is locked. The default is Kybd Locked.

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LanyonClient XML Parameters
Parameter Value Description
TerminalType D1 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 15 x 64.
D2 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 23 x 64.
D3 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 23 x 80.
D4 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 30 x 64.
D5 ALC terminal with a fixed size of 24 x 80.
PoolName poolname The name (up to 16 characters) of the address pool from which the client should obtain a terminal address.

This parameter is optional. If you include a pool name, the name must match an address pool name configured on the gateway.

The default value is blank.
HostName name This required parameter is the 12-character name of the Lantern Gateway.

This name must resolve in DNS to a valid IP address. If the client is not in the same domain as the gateway, you must add the domain where the gateway is located to the client's DNS suffix settings, or you must add the gateway name to the client's local host file.

RolloverHostName name The 12-character name of the Lantern Gateway that will be used if a connection with the primary gateway cannot be established.

This name must resolve in DNS to a valid IP address. If the client is not in the same domain as the gateway, you must add the domain where the gateway is located to the client's DNS suffix settings, or you must add the gateway name to the client's local host file.

TA hexaddr The hexadecimal (0-3F) terminal address to use for this configuration.

The address must match an address configured on the gateway with the configured TerminalType. If you use 0, the client uses the first available terminal address on the Lantern Gateway. If you specify a PoolName, this address must match an address within that pool, and the client will use the first available terminal address in that pool.

RolloverTA hexaddr The hexadecimal (0-3F) terminal address to use for this configuration if the primary terminal address is not available.

The address must match an address configured on the gateway. If you use 0, the client uses the first available terminal address. If you specify a RolloverPoolName, this address must match an address within that pool, and the client will use the first available terminal address in that pool.

PoolName poolname The name (up to 16 characters) of the address pool on the Lantern Gateway from which the client should obtain a terminal address. The name must match an address pool name configured on the gateway.
RolloverPoolName poolname The name (up to 16 characters) of the address pool on the Lantern Gateway from which the client should obtain a rollover terminal address if the primary address pool is not available. The name must match an address pool name configured on the gateway.

HostDownDelay seconds The number of seconds that can elapse with no connection between the gateway and the host before the client tries to connect to the rollover host.

If a connection between the secondary gateway and the host cannot be established or is lost, the client waits this amount of time before trying once again to connect to the primary gateway.

If no rollover host is specified, no further attempt is made to connect to the host.
ReconnectDelay seconds The number of seconds that the client should wait before trying to reconnect to the gateway when the connection between the client and gateway cannot be established or is lost.
ReconnectRetries number The number of times the client will tryo to reconnect to the gateway when the connection between the client and gateway cannot be established or is lost.

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The Screen Object Model
Requesting a Screen Object
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