- Create a new Microsoft Visual C/C++ project, or open an existing project.
- From the View menu, select ClassWizard.
- On the Message Maps tab of the MFC ClassWizard dialog box, click Add Class, and then select From a Type Library.
- Access the Attachmate e-Vantage Airlines SDK installation directory. (By default, the SDK is installed in: C:\Program Files\Attachmate\evSDK.)
- From the Import From Type Library dialog box, select SessionLoader.Dll and ScreenUts.Dll (in the evSDK directory), and then click Open.
With some development tools, you may have to open each file separately. Also, if you use other evSDK classes (for example, ScreenAlc.dll or Mutable.dll), you may have to import them as well. |
- From the Confirm Classes dialog box, click OK to confirm the selected object.
The selected objects appear on the ClassView page.
- Add the Attachmate e-Vantage Airlines SDK Include directory (containing evSDKDefs.h) to your Include path.
The default location of this directory is:
C:\Program Files\Attachmate\evSDK\Include
- Add evSDKDefs.h to your project.