The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this SDK:
Abbreviation |
Term |
ALC | Airline Line Control: IBM airline specific protocol (see P1024B) | |
API | Application programming interface | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASCU | Agent Set Control Unit: Cluster at the user side. | |
ASP | Microsoft Active Server Pages | |
AX.25 | Airline X.25: Airline application of the X.25 OSI model (published by IATA) | |
BAUDOT | Alphabet defined in ITU-T Number 5. BAUDOT uses 5 bits. Padded BAUDOT uses 7 bits with the Most significant bit (bit 7) for the parity and the bit 6 equal to 1. | |
BATAP | Type B Application to Application Protocol. Protocol to secure the TYPE B traffic. It was specified by SITA and is now published by IATA (SCR Vol. 3) | |
CD-ROM | Compact disk read-only memory | |
COM | The Microsoft Component Object Model | |
EAB | Extended attribute byte | |
EAB | Extended attribute byte | |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code | |
FCC | Field control character | |
HAS | Attachmate Host Access Server | |
HLLAPI | High-level language application programming interface | |
HLD | High Level Designator: Indicates the entry or exit point of a block in the network. | |
HTH | Host to Host (traffic). | |
IA | Interchange Address: ASCU identifier in P1024B protocol. | |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | |
ID | Identifier (a generic reference to a station ID, terminal ID, or any other type of client identifier) | |
IHLLAPI | INFOConnect high-level language application programming interface | |
IIS | Internet Information Server | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IPARS | International Program Airline Reservation System: IPARS code is used in ALC | |
JDK | Java Development Kit | |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | |
LTAI | Line transmission activity indicator | |
MATIP | Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol | |
MFC | Microsoft Foundation Classes | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | |
NIC | Network interface card | |
OC | Open Confirm (MATIP command) | |
OIA | Operator information area (status line) | |
OLE | Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding | |
OSI | Open Standard Interface | |
PS | Presentation space | |
RFU | Reserved for Future Use | |
RID | Remote Identifier: ASCU identifier in P1024C protocol. | |
SC | Session Close (MATIP command) | |
SCR | System and Communication Reference. (IATA document) | |
SDK | Software development kit | |
SID | Station Identifier: Terminal identifier in P1024C protocol. | |
SITA | Societe International de Telecommunications Aeronautiques | |
SO | Session Open (MATIP command) | |
TA | Terminal Address: Terminal identifier in P1024B protocol. | |
TCP | Transport Control Protocol | |
UMC | Unisys mainframe customers | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
UTS | Universal Terminal System by Unisys (see P1024C) |