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character attributes
Attributes that determine how characters look on the screen. For example, blinking and underline are character attributes.

In e-Vantage HAS Management, a named collection of viewer or printer applet configuration settings.

end-of-text (ETX)
A character used to indicate the end of the text.

An abbreviation that appears on a T 27 session's status line and indicates that the session is in enquire mode. A session automatically enters this mode when the host is trying to send data and is unable to (for example, when the session is in local mode). You must put the session in receive mode to receive the data.

field attributes
Attributes that define the existence, appearance, or behavior of a field. For example, whether a field is protected or not is determined by the field attribute.

Flow ID Traffic
Flow identifier used in host to host traffic to differentiate traffic flow types.

A mainframe, mini-computer, or information hub with which a PC or application communicates.

line transmission activity indicator (LTAI)
An abbreviation that appears on a T 27 session's status line that indicates the session is connected to the host. If LTAI does not appear on the status line, a communication problem exists between the PC and the host.

Management Console
In e-Vantage HAS Management, a Web-based application that you can use to create configurations and WebViews for connecting to a Unisys host.

operator information area (OIA)
A line of data that appears at the bottom of a session screen (status line). The status line displays such information as which mode the session is in and the cursor location. The OIA is not considered part of the presentation space.

presentation space
A specific number of columns and rows that define the area within which the host or user can display or type data.

SITA implementation of the ALC, the IBM airlines specific protocol. It uses 6-bit padded characters (IPARS) and IA/TA for physical addressing.

SITA implementation of the UTS, the UNISYS terminal protocol. It uses 7-bit (ASCII) characters and RID/SID for physical addressing.

terminal keystroke
A keystroke that a terminal (or application) sends to a host, for example, Transmit. You can send terminal keystrokes to a UTS, T 27, 3270, 5250, or VT host session using the sendKeys method.

TYPE A Traffic
Interactive traffic or host to host.

TYPE B Traffic
Messaging traffic in IATA compliant format with high level of reliability.

In e-Vantage HAS Management, a named set of options that determine what is delivered to an application.

Common Abbreviations

The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this SDK:

ALC   Airline Line Control: IBM airline specific protocol (see P1024B)
API   Application programming interface
ASCII   American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCU   Agent Set Control Unit: Cluster at the user side.
ASP   Microsoft Active Server Pages
AX.25   Airline X.25: Airline application of the X.25 OSI model (published by IATA)
BAUDOT   Alphabet defined in ITU-T Number 5. BAUDOT uses 5 bits. Padded BAUDOT uses 7 bits with the Most significant bit (bit 7) for the parity and the bit 6 equal to 1.
BATAP   Type B Application to Application Protocol. Protocol to secure the TYPE B traffic. It was specified by SITA and is now published by IATA (SCR Vol. 3)
CD-ROM   Compact disk read-only memory
COM   The Microsoft Component Object Model
EAB   Extended attribute byte
EAB   Extended attribute byte
EBCDIC   Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
FCC   Field control character
HAS   Attachmate Host Access Server
HLLAPI   High-level language application programming interface
HLD   High Level Designator: Indicates the entry or exit point of a block in the network.
HTH   Host to Host (traffic).
IA   Interchange Address: ASCU identifier in P1024B protocol.
IATA   International Air Transport Association
ID   Identifier (a generic reference to a station ID, terminal ID, or any other type of client identifier)
IHLLAPI   INFOConnect high-level language application programming interface
IIS   Internet Information Server
IP   Internet Protocol
IPARS   International Program Airline Reservation System: IPARS code is used in ALC
JDK   Java Development Kit
JVM   Java Virtual Machine
LSB   Least Significant Bit
LTAI   Line transmission activity indicator
MATIP   Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol
MFC   Microsoft Foundation Classes
MSB   Most Significant Bit
NIC   Network interface card
OC   Open Confirm (MATIP command)
OIA   Operator information area (status line)
OLE   Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding
OSI   Open Standard Interface
PS   Presentation space
RFU   Reserved for Future Use
RID   Remote Identifier: ASCU identifier in P1024C protocol.
SC   Session Close (MATIP command)
SCR   System and Communication Reference. (IATA document)
SDK   Software development kit
SID   Station Identifier: Terminal identifier in P1024C protocol.
SITA   Societe International de Telecommunications Aeronautiques
SO   Session Open (MATIP command)
TA   Terminal Address: Terminal identifier in P1024B protocol.
TCP   Transport Control Protocol
UMC   Unisys mainframe customers
URL   Uniform Resource Locator
UTS   Universal Terminal System by Unisys (see P1024C)