Interface IAADSConfiguration

public interface IAADSConfiguration

Interface class for obtaining lists of VHI servers and domains from an AADS. Use the ServerConfig.newAADSConfiguration() methods to create instances of this interface.

Method Summary
 void close()
          Close a connection to an AADS server.
 java.util.List getDomainNames()
          Get a list of domains from an AADS.
 java.util.List getServerNames()
          Get a list of servers from an AADS.
 java.util.List getServerNamesInDomain(java.lang.String domainName)
          Get a list of servers for a given domain, from an AADS.
 void open()
          Open a connection to an AADS server.
 void setConnection(IAADSConnection aadsConn)
          Change our reference to an IAADSConnection interface.

Method Detail


void setConnection(IAADSConnection aadsConn)
Change our reference to an IAADSConnection interface.

aadsConn - Reference to an instance of an IAADSConnection
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if argument is null.


void open()
          throws SCException
Open a connection to an AADS server. This method connects to the directory service part of AADS for the purpose of obtaining information about VHI servers or domains. It is not necessary to call this method. This method is useful in verifying that the AADS connection is possible, and will improve performance if multiple lists of servers and/or domains are to be requested.

SCException - if there is an error connecting to the AADS Server.


void close()
Close a connection to an AADS server. This method should be invoked if open() has been used.


java.util.List getServerNames()
                              throws SCException
Get a list of servers from an AADS. This method returns a list of container objects which provide the name of each server and a flag indicating if the server is currently running.

List of ServerListItem container objects.
SCException - if there is an error obtaining the list of servers from the AADS.


java.util.List getServerNamesInDomain(java.lang.String domainName)
                                      throws SCException
Get a list of servers for a given domain, from an AADS. This method returns a list of container objects which provide the name of each server and a flag indicating if the server is currently running.

domainName - Name of the domain for which server list will be obtained.
List of ServerListItem container objects.
SCException - if there is an error obtaining the list of server names from the AADS server.


java.util.List getDomainNames()
                              throws SCException
Get a list of domains from an AADS. This method returns a list of Strings.

List of domain names.
SCException - if there is an error obtaining the list of domain names from the AADS server.