Interface ModelEvent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ApplyFilterEvent, AttributeEvent, ClientConnectedEvent, ClientDisconnectedEvent, EntityArrivalEvent, EntityDepartureEvent, EntityEvent, EntityMoveCursorEvent, ErrorReportedEvent, ExecuteLoginEvent, ExecuteLogoutEvent, ExecuteOperationEvent, ExecuteProcedureEvent, FieldEvent, FormatErrorEvent, GetCurrentHostRecordEvent, GetRecordTypeEvent, HostSessionEvent, InsertRecordEvent, IsTerminatedEvent, ModelCursorEvent, ModelMoveCursorBackwardEvent, ModelMoveCursorEvent, ModelMoveCursorForwardEvent, ParseRecordEvent, ParseScreenEvent, ProcessStringEvent, ReadAttributeEvent, ReadFieldEvent, RecordEvent, RecordSetEvent, UnrecognizedScreenEvent, UpdateRecordEvent, WriteAttributeEvent, WriteAttributesEvent, WriteFieldEvent

public interface ModelEvent
extends Event

Model event information.

Method Summary
 ClientSession getClientSession()
          Gets the client session.
 java.lang.String getCurrentOperation()
          Gets the name of the currently running operation.
 java.lang.String getCurrentProcedure()
          Gets the name of the currently running procedure.
 ModelContext getModelContext()
          Gets the model context.
Methods inherited from interface com.wrq.vhi.script.api.Event
checkForTimeout, createErrorMessage, createErrorMessage, createHostSession, createUserErrorMessage, getEventStack, getHandlerProperty, getLogger, isDesignEnvironment

Method Detail


java.lang.String getCurrentOperation()
Gets the name of the currently running operation.

the name of the currently running operation or an empty string if none


java.lang.String getCurrentProcedure()
Gets the name of the currently running procedure.

the name of the currently running procedure or an empty string if none


ModelContext getModelContext()
Gets the model context. This provides information about the model for the event.

the model context


ClientSession getClientSession()
Gets the client session. This provides information about the currently connected client. If no client is connected this method will return null.

the client session or null if no client is connected