Generated Folders and Files

When Web Builder generates a project, the generated files are stored in a folder that is created using the name you specified in the New Project dialog box. For example:

<VHI install folder>\projects\<ProjectName>

Folders and Files Created for All Projects

Within the <ProjectName> folder, these subfolders and files are generated for each project you build:


Java Project Folders

In addition to the basic project folders and files, Web Builder generates additional folders for the different project types. These folders are located in the <VHI install folder>\projects\<ProjectName> folder.

Java Project Types Contains these folders
Java Web Application javabeans
Contains subfolders for the .class and .java files, as well as and <ProjectName>.jar.
Java Web Service
  • client
    Contains files and subfolders for .java and .jar files, as well as runClient.bat to run the client application.
  • webservice
    Contains files and subfolders for .java, .class, and .jar files, as well as the, and deploy.wsdd.
  • wsdl
    Contains the Web Services Description Language file, which is an XML file describing the supported operations.
Java Beans Along with the other project files, Java Beans projects contain a javabeans folder that contains subfolders for the class and java files, as well as and <ProjectName>.jar.
Enterprise Java Beans Along with the other project files, Enterprise Java Beans projects contain a Src folder with a package sub-folder that contains source (.java) files. The META-INF sub-folder contains the Java EE deployment descriptor (.xml) files. Javadoc folders and sub-folders contain generated javadoc (.html) files and miscellaneous image resources. The Bld folder contains a package sub-folder with the compiled class files. The Logs folder contains build log files and diagnostics.

Note: The <project> and <package> names depend on the user’s choice of project name and package name.


.NET Project Folders and Files

In addition to the project folders and files, Web Builder generates these folders and files for .NET projects, which are located in the <VHI install folder>\projects\<ProjectName> folder.

Web application and Web services client files are generated in the Inetpub\wwwroot\<ProjectName> folder on the Web server.


Visual Basic ActiveX DLL Project Folders and Files

In addition to the project folders and files, Web Builder creates these folders for Visual Basic ActiveX DLL projects:

ASP Project Folders and Files

In addition to the project folders and files, Web Builder creates these folders for ASP projects:




