View Settings

The View Settings dialog box collects all settings from all Setup dialog boxes in one place, adding:

You can use the View Settings dialog box to check the current value of a setting, change its value, find out what values can be used, or view help for a setting. You can also find out which settings have been changed from their default values.

When you change a setting in the View Settings dialog box, the corresponding setting in a Setup dialog box (if there is one) changes also. For example, if you change the value of Auto Connect from No to Yes, the Auto connect check box in the Session Setup dialog box is selected.

When you point the mouse to a setting in the Settings list, a ToolTip provides information on the active value, the default value and the range of values.

Click Defaults to change all settings to their default values. This can have drastic results, so consider carefully before you use the Defaults button.


