Best Practices for Host Integrator Modeling

Pre-Modeling Activities

 Review the host application and take advantage of host system experts to determine:  Determine the Number of Models Needed


Modeling Practices

As a common practice, you should avoid using both schemes together in one model because entity navigation paths and cursor positions can become out of synch.

 Use tables to manipulate host application data


 Set naming conventions


 Determine global settings


 Create concise operations


 Minimize patterns used to identify an entity


 Parameters and Constants


 Timing for 5250 Models


Optimizing the Model for Deployment

After you have completed your model, take these steps to prepare the model for optimum performance before deploying it to Host Integrator Server.

 Delete unnecessary entities   Delete unnecessary or unused attributes   Delete all unnecessary operations  Reduce the screen signature   Optimize Traversal Operations
  • Each traversal entity is named To<entity> and the destination entity matches this name.
  • Edit operations to remove the checkOperationConditions command if there are no pre or post conditions on this operation.

    Troubleshooting Models

     Validate the model using Validator  Use Web Builder to Create a Web Client  Test possible error conditions for each operation  Test the model parameters

      Recognizing Screens as Entities  Synchronizing with the Host


    Working with Character Mode Host Applications




