Start Position
The options in the Start position box specify the actual beginning position
of the attribute on the terminal screen.
Choose from the following options under Start position:
- Selection mode
- Specifies what mode to use for the region selected on the terminal screen.
Select Linear to use word processor style selection regions that wrap
lines or Rectangular to use rectangular regions. The default is Rectangular.
- In specified region
- Default. Specifies that the current coordinates of the attribute. These
coordinates are automatically generated and appear in the Row and Col
boxes when in Rectangular mode. The Offset is automatically generated
in Linear mode.
- Relative to cursor
- Specifies that the position for the selected attribute is based on the position
of the cursor. When you select this option in Rectangular mode, the Design
Tool calculates the Row and Col coordinates for you on the Attribute
tab. The position coordinates are set based on attribute screen region and
position type. When in Linear mode, the Offset is provided.
Note: Relative to cursor means relative to initial cursor position, not
relative to the current Terminal window cursor position. If you select Relative
to cursor, click Update Initial Cursor Position on the Model menu to change
the initial cursor position to the current cursor position. If you have configured
any entity properties relative to a cursor position, these property coordinates
will be automatically updated. Click Apply to save your changes or click Cancel
to revert your initial cursor position back to its original state.
- Relative to pattern
- Specifies that the positioning of the attribute is relative to a pattern
selected from the list. The coordinates are automatically generated and appear
in the Row and Col boxes for Rectangular mode, or the Offset
is provided in Linear mode.