An NDoc Documented Class Library

TerminalScreen Methods

The methods of the TerminalScreen class are listed below. For a complete list of TerminalScreen class members, see the TerminalScreen Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetColor Returns the color of the character at the specified offset.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetTextOverloaded. Get the text for the entire screen.
GetTextRow Get a row of text for this screen.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
IsBlink Determines if the character at the specified offset is blinking.
IsColumnSeparated Determines if the character at the specified offset is column separated.
IsFieldEnd Determines if the character at the specified offset is the end of a terminal field.
IsFieldStart Determines if the character at the specified offset is the start of a terminal field.
IsHighIntensity Determines if the character at the specified offset is high intensity.
IsInput Determines if the character at the specified offset is an input field.
IsNumeric Determines if the character at the specified offset is numeric.
IsPenDetect Determines if the character at the specified offset is pen detect.
IsReverseVideo Determines if the character at the specified offset is reverse video.
IsUnderscore Determines if the character at the specified offset is underscore.
IsVisible Determines if the character at the specified offset is visible.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

See Also

TerminalScreen Class | WRQ.Verastream.HostIntegrator Namespace