Defines a set of constants used by the PerformAidKey method.
Defines a set of constants used by the PerformAidKey method.
Member Name | Description |
HP_BackSpace_Key | Specifies the HP_BackSpace_Key terminal key. |
HP_BackTab_Key | Specifies the HP_BackTab_Key terminal key. |
HP_Break_Key | Specifies the HP_Break_Key terminal key. |
HP_ClearDisplay_Key | Specifies the HP_ClearDisplay_Key terminal key. |
HP_ClearLine_Key | Specifies the HP_ClearLine_Key terminal key. |
HP_ConfigKeys_Key | Specifies the HP_ConfigKeys_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLA_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLA_Key terminal key. |
HP_SOH_Key | Specifies the HP_SOH_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLB_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLB_Key terminal key. |
HP_STX_Key | Specifies the HP_STX_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLBACKSLASH_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLBACKSLASH_Key terminal key. |
HP_FS_Key | Specifies the HP_FS_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLC_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLC_Key terminal key. |
HP_ETX_Key | Specifies the HP_ETX_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLCARET_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLCARET_Key terminal key. |
HP_RS_Key | Specifies the HP_RS_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLD_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLD_Key terminal key. |
HP_EOT_Key | Specifies the HP_EOT_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLE_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLE_Key terminal key. |
HP_ENQ_Key | Specifies the HP_ENQ_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLF_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLF_Key terminal key. |
HP_ACK_Key | Specifies the HP_ACK_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLG_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLG_Key terminal key. |
HP_BEL_Key | Specifies the HP_BEL_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLH_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLH_Key terminal key. |
HP_BS_Key | Specifies the HP_BS_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLI_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLI_Key terminal key. |
HP_HT_Key | Specifies the HP_HT_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLJ_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLJ_Key terminal key. |
HP_LF_Key | Specifies the HP_LF_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLK_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLK_Key terminal key. |
HP_VT_Key | Specifies the HP_VT_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLL_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLL_Key terminal key. |
HP_FF_Key | Specifies the HP_FF_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLLEFTBRACKET_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLLEFTBRACKET_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLM_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLM_Key terminal key. |
HP_CR_Key | Specifies the HP_CR_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLN_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLN_Key terminal key. |
HP_SO_Key | Specifies the HP_SO_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLO_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLO_Key terminal key. |
HP_SI_Key | Specifies the HP_SI_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLP_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLP_Key terminal key. |
HP_DLE_Key | Specifies the HP_DLE_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLQ_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLQ_Key terminal key. |
HP_DC1_Key | Specifies the HP_DC1_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLR_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLR_Key terminal key. |
HP_DC2_Key | Specifies the HP_DC2_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLRIGHTBRACKET_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLRIGHTBRACKET_Key terminal key. |
HP_GS_Key | Specifies the HP_GS_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLS_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLS_Key terminal key. |
HP_DC3_Key | Specifies the HP_DC3_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLSPACE_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLSPACE_Key terminal key. |
HP_NUL_Key | Specifies the HP_NUL_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLT_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLT_Key terminal key. |
HP_DC4_Key | Specifies the HP_DC4_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLU_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLU_Key terminal key. |
HP_NAK_Key | Specifies the HP_NAK_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLUNDERBAR_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLUNDERBAR_Key terminal key. |
HP_US_Key | Specifies the HP_US_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLV_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLV_Key terminal key. |
HP_SYN_Key | Specifies the HP_SYN_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLW_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLW_Key terminal key. |
HP_ETB_Key | Specifies the HP_ETB_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLX_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLX_Key terminal key. |
HP_CAN_Key | Specifies the HP_CAN_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLY_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLY_Key terminal key. |
HP_EM_Key | Specifies the HP_EM_Key terminal key. |
HP_CTRLZ_Key | Specifies the HP_CTRLZ_Key terminal key. |
HP_SUB_Key | Specifies the HP_SUB_Key terminal key. |
HP_DeleteChar_Key | Specifies the HP_DeleteChar_Key terminal key. |
HP_DeleteCharWrap_Key | Specifies the HP_DeleteCharWrap_Key terminal key. |
HP_Delete_Key | Specifies the HP_Delete_Key terminal key. |
HP_DeleteLine_Key | Specifies the HP_DeleteLine_Key terminal key. |
HP_Down_Key | Specifies the HP_Down_Key terminal key. |
HP_Enter_Key | Specifies the HP_Enter_Key terminal key. |
HP_Escape_Key | Specifies the HP_Escape_Key terminal key. |
HP_Esc_Key | Specifies the HP_Esc_Key terminal key. |
HP_Extend_Key | Specifies the HP_Extend_Key terminal key. |
HP_F1_Key | Specifies the HP_F1_Key terminal key. |
HP_F2_Key | Specifies the HP_F2_Key terminal key. |
HP_F3_Key | Specifies the HP_F3_Key terminal key. |
HP_F4_Key | Specifies the HP_F4_Key terminal key. |
HP_F5_Key | Specifies the HP_F5_Key terminal key. |
HP_F6_Key | Specifies the HP_F6_Key terminal key. |
HP_F7_Key | Specifies the HP_F7_Key terminal key. |
HP_F8_Key | Specifies the HP_F8_Key terminal key. |
HP_HardReset_Key | Specifies the HP_HardReset_Key terminal key. |
HP_HomeDown_Key | Specifies the HP_HomeDown_Key terminal key. |
HP_HomeLeft_Key | Specifies the HP_HomeLeft_Key terminal key. |
HP_HomeRight_Key | Specifies the HP_HomeRight_Key terminal key. |
HP_HomeUp_Key | Specifies the HP_HomeUp_Key terminal key. |
HP_InsertChar_Key | Specifies the HP_InsertChar_Key terminal key. |
HP_InsertCharWrap_Key | Specifies the HP_InsertCharWrap_Key terminal key. |
HP_InsertLine_Key | Specifies the HP_InsertLine_Key terminal key. |
HP_Left_Key | Specifies the HP_Left_Key terminal key. |
HP_Menu_Key | Specifies the HP_Menu_Key terminal key. |
HP_Modes_Key | Specifies the HP_Modes_Key terminal key. |
HP_NextPage_Key | Specifies the HP_NextPage_Key terminal key. |
HP_PrevPage_Key | Specifies the HP_PrevPage_Key terminal key. |
HP_Return_Key | Specifies the HP_Return_Key terminal key. |
HP_Right_Key | Specifies the HP_Right_Key terminal key. |
HP_RollLeft_Key | Specifies the HP_RollLeft_Key terminal key. |
HP_RollRight_Key | Specifies the HP_RollRight_Key terminal key. |
HP_ScrollDown_Key | Specifies the HP_ScrollDown_Key terminal key. |
HP_ScrollUp_Key | Specifies the HP_ScrollUp_Key terminal key. |
HP_Select_Key | Specifies the HP_Select_Key terminal key. |
HP_SmartEnter_Key | Specifies the HP_SmartEnter_Key terminal key. |
HP_SoftReset_Key | Specifies the HP_SoftReset_Key terminal key. |
HP_Stop_Key | Specifies the HP_Stop_Key terminal key. |
HP_System_Key | Specifies the HP_System_Key terminal key. |
HP_Tab_Key | Specifies the HP_Tab_Key terminal key. |
HP_Up_Key | Specifies the HP_Up_Key terminal key. |
HP_UserCfg_Key | Specifies the HP_UserCfg_Key terminal key. |
HP_User_Key | Specifies the HP_User_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AltCursor_Key | Specifies the IBM_AltCursor_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Attn_Key | Specifies the IBM_Attn_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU10_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU10_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU11_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU11_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU12_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU12_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU13_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU13_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU14_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU14_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU15_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU15_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU16_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU16_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU1_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU1_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU2_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU2_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU3_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU3_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU4_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU4_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU5_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU5_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU6_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU6_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU7_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU7_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU8_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU8_Key terminal key. |
IBM_AU9_Key | Specifies the IBM_AU9_Key terminal key. |
IBM_BackSpace_Key | Specifies the IBM_BackSpace_Key terminal key. |
IBM_BackTab_Key | Specifies the IBM_BackTab_Key terminal key. |
IBM_CentSymbol_Key | Specifies the IBM_CentSymbol_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Clear_Key | Specifies the IBM_Clear_Key terminal key. |
IBM_ClearPartition_Key | Specifies the IBM_ClearPartition_Key terminal key. |
IBM_CursorBlink_Key | Specifies the IBM_CursorBlink_Key terminal key. |
IBM_CursorSelect_Key | Specifies the IBM_CursorSelect_Key terminal key. |
IBM_DeleteChar_Key | Specifies the IBM_DeleteChar_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Delete_Key | Specifies the IBM_Delete_Key terminal key. |
IBM_DeleteWord_Key | Specifies the IBM_DeleteWord_Key terminal key. |
IBM_DestrBackSpace_Key | Specifies the IBM_DestrBackSpace_Key terminal key. |
IBM_DeviceCancel_Key | Specifies the IBM_DeviceCancel_Key terminal key. |
IBM_DownDouble_Key | Specifies the IBM_DownDouble_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Down_Key | Specifies the IBM_Down_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Dup_Key | Specifies the IBM_Dup_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Duplicate_Key | Specifies the IBM_Duplicate_Key terminal key. |
IBM_EndOfField_Key | Specifies the IBM_EndOfField_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Enter_Key | Specifies the IBM_Enter_Key terminal key. |
IBM_EraseEOF_Key | Specifies the IBM_EraseEOF_Key terminal key. |
IBM_EraseInput_Key | Specifies the IBM_EraseInput_Key terminal key. |
IBM_ExtGR_Key | Specifies the IBM_ExtGR_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F10_Key | Specifies the IBM_F10_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F11_Key | Specifies the IBM_F11_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F12_Key | Specifies the IBM_F12_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F13_Key | Specifies the IBM_F13_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F14_Key | Specifies the IBM_F14_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F15_Key | Specifies the IBM_F15_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F16_Key | Specifies the IBM_F16_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F17_Key | Specifies the IBM_F17_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F18_Key | Specifies the IBM_F18_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F19_Key | Specifies the IBM_F19_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F1_Key | Specifies the IBM_F1_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F20_Key | Specifies the IBM_F20_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F21_Key | Specifies the IBM_F21_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F22_Key | Specifies the IBM_F22_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F23_Key | Specifies the IBM_F23_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F24_Key | Specifies the IBM_F24_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F2_Key | Specifies the IBM_F2_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F3_Key | Specifies the IBM_F3_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F4_Key | Specifies the IBM_F4_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F5_Key | Specifies the IBM_F5_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F6_Key | Specifies the IBM_F6_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F7_Key | Specifies the IBM_F7_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F8_Key | Specifies the IBM_F8_Key terminal key. |
IBM_F9_Key | Specifies the IBM_F9_Key terminal key. |
IBM_FieldDelim_Key | Specifies the IBM_FieldDelim_Key terminal key. |
IBM_FieldExit_Key | Specifies the IBM_FieldExit_Key terminal key. |
IBM_FieldMark_Key | Specifies the IBM_FieldMark_Key terminal key. |
IBM_FieldMinus_Key | Specifies the IBM_FieldMinus_Key terminal key. |
IBM_FieldPlus_Key | Specifies the IBM_FieldPlus_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Help_Key | Specifies the IBM_Help_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Hex_Key | Specifies the IBM_Hex_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Home_Key | Specifies the IBM_Home_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Ident_Key | Specifies the IBM_Ident_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Insert_Key | Specifies the IBM_Insert_Key terminal key. |
IBM_KeyClick_Key | Specifies the IBM_KeyClick_Key terminal key. |
IBM_LeftDouble_Key | Specifies the IBM_LeftDouble_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Left | Specifies the IBM_Left terminal key. |
IBM_NewLine_Key | Specifies the IBM_NewLine_Key terminal key. |
IBM_NextWord_Key | Specifies the IBM_NextWord_Key terminal key. |
IBM_NotSymbol_Key | Specifies the IBM_NotSymbol_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PA1_Key | Specifies the IBM_PA1_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PA2_Key | Specifies the IBM_PA2_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PA3_Key | Specifies the IBM_PA3_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PageDown_Key | Specifies the IBM_PageDown_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PageUp_Key | Specifies the IBM_PageUp_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PanLeft_Key | Specifies the IBM_PanLeft_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PanRight_Key | Specifies the IBM_PanRight_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PartitionJump_Key | Specifies the IBM_PartitionJump_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF10_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF10_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF11_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF11_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF12_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF12_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF13_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF13_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF14_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF14_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF15_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF15_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF16_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF16_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF17_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF17_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF18_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF18_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF19_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF19_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF1_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF1_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF20_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF20_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF21_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF21_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF22_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF22_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF23_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF23_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF24_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF24_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF2_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF2_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF3_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF3_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF4_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF4_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF5_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF5_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF6_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF6_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF7_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF7_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF8_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF8_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PF9_Key | Specifies the IBM_PF9_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PlusCR_Key | Specifies the IBM_PlusCR_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Print_Key | Specifies the IBM_Print_Key terminal key. |
IBM_PrintPart_Key | Specifies the IBM_PrintPart_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Reset_Key | Specifies the IBM_Reset_Key terminal key. |
IBM_RightDouble_Key | Specifies the IBM_RightDouble_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Right_Key | Specifies the IBM_Right_Key terminal key. |
IBM_RollDown_Key | Specifies the IBM_RollDown_Key terminal key. |
IBM_RollUp_Key | Specifies the IBM_RollUp_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Rule_Key | Specifies the IBM_Rule_Key terminal key. |
IBM_ScrollDown_Key | Specifies the IBM_ScrollDown_Key terminal key. |
IBM_ScrollUp_Key | Specifies the IBM_ScrollUp_Key terminal key. |
IBM_SLPAutoEnter_Key | Specifies the IBM_SLPAutoEnter_Key terminal key. |
IBM_SOSIGenerate_Key | Specifies the IBM_SOSIGenerate_Key terminal key. |
IBM_SplitVBar_Key | Specifies the IBM_SplitVBar_Key terminal key. |
IBM_SysRequest_Key | Specifies the IBM_SysRequest_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Tab_Key | Specifies the IBM_Tab_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Test_Key | Specifies the IBM_Test_Key terminal key. |
IBM_UpDouble_Key | Specifies the IBM_UpDouble_Key terminal key. |
IBM_Up_Key | Specifies the IBM_Up_Key terminal key. |
VT_0_Key | Specifies the VT_0_Key terminal key. |
VT_1_Key | Specifies the VT_1_Key terminal key. |
VT_2_Key | Specifies the VT_2_Key terminal key. |
VT_3_Key | Specifies the VT_3_Key terminal key. |
VT_4_Key | Specifies the VT_4_Key terminal key. |
VT_5_Key | Specifies the VT_5_Key terminal key. |
VT_6_Key | Specifies the VT_6_Key terminal key. |
VT_7_Key | Specifies the VT_7_Key terminal key. |
VT_8_Key | Specifies the VT_8_Key terminal key. |
VT_9_Key | Specifies the VT_9_Key terminal key. |
VT_Break_Key | Specifies the VT_Break_Key terminal key. |
VT_BS_Key | Specifies the VT_BS_Key terminal key. |
VT_Compose_Key | Specifies the VT_Compose_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLA_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLA_Key terminal key. |
VT_SOH_Key | Specifies the VT_SOH_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLB_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLB_Key terminal key. |
VT_STX_Key | Specifies the VT_STX_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLBACKSLASH_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLBACKSLASH_Key terminal key. |
VT_FS_Key | Specifies the VT_FS_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLC_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLC_Key terminal key. |
VT_ETX_Key | Specifies the VT_ETX_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLCARET_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLCARET_Key terminal key. |
VT_RS_Key | Specifies the VT_RS_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLD_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLD_Key terminal key. |
VT_EOT_Key | Specifies the VT_EOT_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLE_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLE_Key terminal key. |
VT_ENQ_Key | Specifies the VT_ENQ_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLF_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLF_Key terminal key. |
VT_ACK_Key | Specifies the VT_ACK_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLG_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLG_Key terminal key. |
VT_BEL_Key | Specifies the VT_BEL_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLH_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLH_Key terminal key. |
VT_BSP_Key | Specifies the VT_BSP_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLJ_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLJ_Key terminal key. |
VT_LF_Key | Specifies the VT_LF_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLK_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLK_Key terminal key. |
VT_VT_Key | Specifies the VT_VT_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLL_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLL_Key terminal key. |
VT_FF_Key | Specifies the VT_FF_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLM_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLM_Key terminal key. |
VT_CR_Key | Specifies the VT_CR_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLN_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLN_Key terminal key. |
VT_SO_Key | Specifies the VT_SO_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLO_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLO_Key terminal key. |
VT_SI_Key | Specifies the VT_SI_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLP_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLP_Key terminal key. |
VT_DLE_Key | Specifies the VT_DLE_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLQ_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLQ_Key terminal key. |
VT_DC1_Key | Specifies the VT_DC1_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLR_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLR_Key terminal key. |
VT_DC2_Key | Specifies the VT_DC2_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLRIGHTBRACKET_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLRIGHTBRACKET_Key terminal key. |
VT_GS_Key | Specifies the VT_GS_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLS_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLS_Key terminal key. |
VT_DC3_Key | Specifies the VT_DC3_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLSPACE_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLSPACE_Key terminal key. |
VT_NUL_Key | Specifies the VT_NUL_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLT_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLT_Key terminal key. |
VT_DC4_Key | Specifies the VT_DC4_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLU_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLU_Key terminal key. |
VT_NAK_Key | Specifies the VT_NAK_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLUNDERBAR_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLUNDERBAR_Key terminal key. |
VT_US_Key | Specifies the VT_US_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLV_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLV_Key terminal key. |
VT_SYN_Key | Specifies the VT_SYN_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLW_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLW_Key terminal key. |
VT_ETB_Key | Specifies the VT_ETB_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLX_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLX_Key terminal key. |
VT_CAN_Key | Specifies the VT_CAN_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLY_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLY_Key terminal key. |
VT_EM_Key | Specifies the VT_EM_Key terminal key. |
VT_CTRLZ_Key | Specifies the VT_CTRLZ_Key terminal key. |
VT_SUB_Key | Specifies the VT_SUB_Key terminal key. |
VT_CursD_Key | Specifies the VT_CursD_Key terminal key. |
VT_CursL_Key | Specifies the VT_CursL_Key terminal key. |
VT_CursR_Key | Specifies the VT_CursR_Key terminal key. |
VT_CursU_Key | Specifies the VT_CursU_Key terminal key. |
VT_Decimal_Key | Specifies the VT_Decimal_Key terminal key. |
VT_Del_Key | Specifies the VT_Del_Key terminal key. |
VT_Disconnect_Key | Specifies the VT_Disconnect_Key terminal key. |
VT_Enter_Key | Specifies the VT_Enter_Key terminal key. |
VT_Esc_Key | Specifies the VT_Esc_Key terminal key. |
VT_F10_Key | Specifies the VT_F10_Key terminal key. |
VT_F11_Key | Specifies the VT_F11_Key terminal key. |
VT_F12_Key | Specifies the VT_F12_Key terminal key. |
VT_F13_Key | Specifies the VT_F13_Key terminal key. |
VT_F14_Key | Specifies the VT_F14_Key terminal key. |
VT_F15_Key | Specifies the VT_F15_Key terminal key. |
VT_F16_Key | Specifies the VT_F16_Key terminal key. |
VT_F17_Key | Specifies the VT_F17_Key terminal key. |
VT_F18_Key | Specifies the VT_F18_Key terminal key. |
VT_F19_Key | Specifies the VT_F19_Key terminal key. |
VT_F20_Key | Specifies the VT_F20_Key terminal key. |
VT_F6_Key | Specifies the VT_F6_Key terminal key. |
VT_F7_Key | Specifies the VT_F7_Key terminal key. |
VT_F8_Key | Specifies the VT_F8_Key terminal key. |
VT_F9_Key | Specifies the VT_F9_Key terminal key. |
VT_Find_Key | Specifies the VT_Find_Key terminal key. |
VT_HoldScreenClear_Key | Specifies the VT_HoldScreenClear_Key terminal key. |
VT_HoldScreen_Key | Specifies the VT_HoldScreen_Key terminal key. |
VT_HoldScreenSet_Key | Specifies the VT_HoldScreenSet_Key terminal key. |
VT_Ins_Key | Specifies the VT_Ins_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP0_Key | Specifies the VT_KP0_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP1_Key | Specifies the VT_KP1_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP2_Key | Specifies the VT_KP2_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP3_Key | Specifies the VT_KP3_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP4_Key | Specifies the VT_KP4_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP5_Key | Specifies the VT_KP5_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP6_Key | Specifies the VT_KP6_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP7_Key | Specifies the VT_KP7_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP8_Key | Specifies the VT_KP8_Key terminal key. |
VT_KP9_Key | Specifies the VT_KP9_Key terminal key. |
VT_KPComma_Key | Specifies the VT_KPComma_Key terminal key. |
VT_KPDot_Key | Specifies the VT_KPDot_Key terminal key. |
VT_KPMinus_Key | Specifies the VT_KPMinus_Key terminal key. |
VT_NextPage_Key | Specifies the VT_NextPage_Key terminal key. |
VT_NextScr_Key | Specifies the VT_NextScr_Key terminal key. |
VT_PF1_Key | Specifies the VT_PF1_Key terminal key. |
VT_PF2_Key | Specifies the VT_PF2_Key terminal key. |
VT_PF3_Key | Specifies the VT_PF3_Key terminal key. |
VT_PF4_Key | Specifies the VT_PF4_Key terminal key. |
VT_PrevPage_Key | Specifies the VT_PrevPage_Key terminal key. |
VT_PrevScr_Key | Specifies the VT_PrevScr_Key terminal key. |
VT_PrtD_Key | Specifies the VT_PrtD_Key terminal key. |
VT_Remove_Key | Specifies the VT_Remove_Key terminal key. |
VT_Retrn_Key | Specifies the VT_Retrn_Key terminal key. |
VT_ScrollDown_Key | Specifies the VT_ScrollDown_Key terminal key. |
VT_ScrollUp_Key | Specifies the VT_ScrollUp_Key terminal key. |
VT_Select_Key | Specifies the VT_Select_Key terminal key. |
VT_SendNull_Key | Specifies the VT_SendNull_Key terminal key. |
VT_Stop_Key | Specifies the VT_Stop_Key terminal key. |
VT_Tab_Key | Specifies the VT_Tab_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK10_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK10_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK11_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK11_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK12_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK12_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK13_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK13_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK14_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK14_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK15_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK15_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK16_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK16_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK17_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK17_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK18_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK18_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK19_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK19_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK20_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK20_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK6_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK6_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK7_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK7_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK8_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK8_Key terminal key. |
VT_UDK9_Key | Specifies the VT_UDK9_Key terminal key. |
VT_XAb_Key | Specifies the VT_XAb_Key terminal key. |
Namespace: WRQ.Verastream.HostIntegrator
Assembly: WRQ.Verastream.HostIntegrator (in WRQ.Verastream.HostIntegrator.dll)