The Verastream Visual Basic ActiveX DLL provides COM programmers the ability to access host data and functionality.
Prior to using the Verastream Visual Basic ActiveX DLL for a production application:
<VHI install folder>\projects\<ProjectName>\activexdll\bin
This example illustrates how to use a Web Builder generated Visual Basic ActiveX DLL. The example uses a project named CICSAccts_ActiveX, which generated a Visual Basic ActiveX DLL for the CICSAccts model. The GetAccount procedure takes an account number as an input parameter and returns account information.
// Create an object to represent the session
Dim session as CICSAccts_ActiveXSession
Set session = New CICSAccts_ActiveXSession
// Create an object to hold the filter values
Dim filters As GetAccountFilters
Set filters = New GetAccountFilters
// Initialize the filters with the values you want to pass to the host
filters.AcctNum = 31415;
// Call the procedure on the session, passing in the filters
Dim records As Collection
Set records = session.GetAccount(filters)
// Access the data set and process through them
Dim i
For i = 1 To records.Count
Set record = records(i)
Print record.AcctNum
Print record.LastName
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