Click Save on the File menu to save your model. When you save a model for the
first time, the Save dialog box opens. The default location for models is the
\<VHI install directory>\models
folder. Type the name of
the new model in the File name box, and click OK to save it.
Click Save a second time to save the same model; the Save dialog box does not open, but the existing model is replaced with your current version.
To save this model as the basis for another model, click Save As.
To create a shortcut for the model file, click Shortcut.
To deploy your model on a local Host Integrator Server, click the Deploy to local server button on the standard toolbar.
Navigation files allow you to load and run 3270 and 5250 models in the Host Emulator. You must save a navigation file for a 3270 or 5250 model if you want to load and run it in the Host Emulator.
To save a navigation file, select Save Host Emulator navigation file
before saving the model.
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