Attribute Tab (Operations)

The Attribute tab contains some of the settings used to define attributes on a selected entity. If you've just added a new attribute to your model, the following options will be available:

Next to the Name box, there are five buttons that allow a user to add a new attribute, delete the current one, check advanced attribute properties, test the selected attribute, or auto-generate attributes.


Attribute Operations Tab

The Attribute Operations tab contains the following options for configuring operations to be executed when writing to an attribute:

Execute operation before writing to attribute
Select a configured operation to be executed before data is written to this attribute.

Create an operation that clears an attribute field before data is written to it. To view an example of a Clear operation, open the Pine model and navigate to the AddressEdit entity. Select Clear from the Name list and view the Command list box.
Execute operation to autotab on underfill
Select a configured operation to be executed when attribute data does not completely fill in the length of the selected attribute.

Create an operation that automatically tabs to the next input field or an operation that traps an error. For example, if the data input is always a set length, such as a social security number, create an operation that includes an error pattern as an operation condition. When the error pattern is recognized, the operation will stop.

Note: This option is typically used with character mode hosts. When data doesn't fill the attribute, the behavior of a character mode host application can often be less predictable than a block mode host application.

Execute operation after writing to attribute
Select a configured operation to be executed after data is written to the selected attribute.

In addition, the following tabs are available to configure attributes: