Creating Tables and Procedures

Implementing tables and procedures in your host application model enables you to create a database abstraction of the host data. Client applications can then query this data using a Verastream connector to interact with the model.

A table is a structure that contains columns that are used as input and output parameters for procedures. Typically, table columns are named to match their corresponding model attributes and fields.

A procedure defines how Host Integrator locates, retrieves, updates, inserts, and/or deletes data when it fulfills a request submitted by a client application using a Host Integrator API.

Tables and procedures are interlocked functionally. Tables are a way of "organizing" host data into a database-like view of the data, and procedures manipulate that data. The only way to access the abstracted table data is through a procedure.

Client applications interact with tables and procedures using either a subset of the industry standard Structure Query Language (SQL), or by interacting directly with the procedures. You can access the data in your host applications via SQL queries even if your host applications are not designed to respond to SQL queries.

Adding procedures to your model gives you the option of using Web Builder to quickly and easily generate and deploy a procedure-based web application or a component interface, such as a web service, JavaBeans, or a .NET component.

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