Interrupts the host application program. Workstation operators use the Attn key to alert the AS/400 system that a requested function (such as Enter) is not being honored. The Attn key is allowed whether the keyboard is locked or unlocked.
Moves the cursor back to the previous position in which data can be entered. If the cursor is already in the first position of an input field, Backspace moves back to the last position in the preceding input field.
Moves the cursor back to the first position in the current input field. When the cursor isn't on an input field, Backtab moves it to the first position in the previous input field. If the screen doesn't contain input fields, Backtab moves the cursor to row 1, column 1.
Signals the host to erase all user-entered text from the current screen.
Deletes the character at the cursor position. All characters to the right of the cursor (in the same input field) shift one position to the left. Null characters are inserted at the right end of the field as characters are deleted. If you invoke this function when the cursor is not in an input field, the input inhibit symbol appears in the status line. (In the 5250 status line, the input inhibit indicator is the letters II in inverse video.) Press Reset (Left Ctrl) to clear the symbol and enable input.
Moves the cursor down one or more lines. The number of lines the cursor moves is determined by the value of Vertical speed in the Terminal Setup dialog box. The default is two lines.
Uses the data from the equivalent field in the previous record as the contents of this field. If a field is programmed to allow duplication, you'll see a symbol at the cursor position when you invoke this function. Invoking this function when the cursor is not in an input field or not in a field that supports this function causes the input inhibit symbol to appear in the status line. (In the 5250 status line, the input inhibit indicator is the letters II in inverse video.) Press Reset (Left Ctrl) to clear the symbol and enable input.
Transmits any data you have typed in the Terminal window to the host application.
Erases all data from the cursor position to the end of the current field, without moving the cursor.
Erases the contents of all input fields on the screen and moves the cursor to the beginning of the first input field. If the screen has no input fields, Erase Input moves the cursor to row 1, column 1 on the screen, and no data is erased.
The following special characters are available in extended graphics mode:
Host Integrator remains in extended graphics mode until you press Alt+Right
Shift again or Reset (Left Ctrl).
Moves the cursor out of an input field, inserting null characters from the current cursor location to the end of the field. The cursor moves to the first position of the next input field. If you use Field Exit in a right-adjust field, the data to the left of the cursor shifts to the right. The vacated positions are filled with zeros or blanks as specified by the program, and the cursor advances to the next input field.
Moves the cursor out of a signed-numeric or numeric-only field, inserting a minus sign in the last position of a signed-numeric field, or changing the last position in a numeric-only field to an alphabetic character that tells the system that this field has a negative value.
Except in a signed-numeric or numeric-only field, this function is identical to Field Exit. In a signed-numeric field, this function moves the cursor to the next field, removing a minus sign if there is one in the last position. In a numeric-only field, this function moves the cursor to the next field, changing the last position to an alphabetic character that tells the system that this field has a positive value.
Provides help from the system or, when an error condition exists, an explanation of the error condition. See your host documentation for information on error codes.
Use this function before entering a hexadecimal value for a character. To enter a hexadecimal value, type two characters. These characters can be 0-9 or a-f. No other input is allowed in hex mode. When you press Alt+F7 to put Host Integrator in hex mode, a small h appears on the 3488 status line (default), a little to the right of center. Reset (Left Ctrl) causes Host Integrator to exit hex mode.
When you enter the first character of your hex value, the h in the status line becomes a capital H. If Preserve entry mode is selected, pressing Left Ctrl at this point takes the character out of the buffer but doesn't exit hex mode. (This is a way of retracting the character you typed. To show this, the capital H becomes a small h once again. Host Integrator now expects you to enter two characters for your hex value.) Press Left Ctrl again to back completely out of hex mode.
Moves the cursor to the first input position on the screen. If the screen contains no input fields, Home moves the cursor to row 1, column 1. If you use this function when the cursor is already in the first input position on the screen, Host Integrator transmits a record backspace aid key instead.
Puts Host Integrator in insert mode. The insert symbol appears in the 3488 status line (default). (In the 5250 status line, the letters IM are displayed in inverse video when Host Integrator is in insert mode.) Characters you type when the terminal is in insert mode are inserted at the cursor position. As you type, existing characters at and to the right of the cursor position shift one position to the right for each character you type. There must be a null character at the right end of the insert field for each character you type in insert mode. If you attempt to insert more characters than there are nulls, an X appears in the status line and input is inhibited. Press Reset Left Ctrl to remove the symbol and enable input.
Moves the cursor one or more columns to the left.
Moves the cursor to the first input position on the next line. If there are no input positions on the next line, the cursor moves to the first input position on the next line with an input field. If you execute Newline when there are no lines between the current line and the end of the screen that contains input fields, it wraps back to the first line in the screen. Newline differs from Tab in that it can be used to drop to the second line of a multi-line field. Tab always moves to the next field.
Scrolls down one page in the current host screen (equivalent to Roll Up).
Scrolls up one page in the current host screen (equivalent to Roll Down).
Execute this function once and Host Integrator shows hexadecimal codes in front of each field in the Terminal window. These codes indicate the field and display attributes for each field. If you've configured Host Integrator to use the 3488 status line (default) or the debug status line, then d appears in the status line. Execute this function again and Host Integrator shows different two-character hexadecimal codes indicating the extended character buffer values for each field. A c appears in the 3488 or debug status line.
Execute this function a third time and Host Integrator shows two-character hexadecimal codes indicating the character attributes for each character in the Terminal window. An a appears in the 3488 or debug status line.
Press Reset Left Ctrl twice to exit Plus CR mode.
Sends an image of the screen to the host. How and where that image is printed depends on the configuration of the host session.
Prints the contents of the Terminal window.
Press Reset once to:
Press Reset twice to exit Plus CR mode.
Moves the cursor one or more characters to the right.
Scrolls up one page in the current host screen (equivalent to Page Up).
Scrolls down one page in the current host screen (equivalent to Page Down).
Toggles the rule line into or out of view. The rule line can be a horizontal line, a vertical line, or both, indicating the row and/or column containing the cursor.
The full name of this key is Selector Light Pen Auto Enter. It simulates a light pen select at the cursor location.
Use this function to:
The SysReq key is allowed whether the keyboard is locked or unlocked.
Moves the cursor from the current position to the first input position in the next input field. If there are no input positions after the current cursor position, Tab moves the cursor to the first character position in the first input field on the screen. If the screen doesn't contain input fields, Tab moves the cursor to row 1, column 1 on the screen.
Moves the cursor from the current position to the next defined Tab stop. If there are no Tab stops in the current field, Tab Advance moves the cursor to the first Tab stop in the next input field on the screen. Tab Advance is defined for Text Assist mode only.
Signals the host to enter test request mode, a set of test programs created by IBM and provided by the AS/400. This function is only available in the sign-on screen.
Moves the cursor up one or more lines.
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