addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Adds a new listener for bound properties.


com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client - package com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Attachmate™ Verastream® Host Integrator J2EE Connector client classes.
ConnectionSpecImpl - Class in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Specifies a component-managed connection to VHI Session Server.
ConnectionSpecImpl() - Constructor for class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Creates a new instance of ConnectionSpecImpl with default settings.


EISApptrieveException - Exception in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Has the same semantics as com.wrq.apptrieve.agent.ApptrieveException.
EISApptrieveException() - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISApptrieveException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
EISApptrieveException(String) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISApptrieveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
EISApptrieveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISApptrieveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EISApptrieveException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISApptrieveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
EISApptrieveException(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISApptrieveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and stack trace.
EISApptrieveException(String, Throwable, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISApptrieveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and stack trace.
EISModelDataException - Exception in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Has the same semantics as com.wrq.apptrieve.agent.ModelDataException.
EISModelDataException() - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDataException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
EISModelDataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
EISModelDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EISModelDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
EISModelDataException(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and stack trace.
EISModelDataException(String, Throwable, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDataException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and stack trace.
EISModelDefException - Exception in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Has the same semantics as com.wrq.apptrieve.agent.ModelDefException.
EISModelDefException() - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDefException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
EISModelDefException(String) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDefException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
EISModelDefException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDefException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EISModelDefException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDefException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
EISModelDefException(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDefException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and stack trace.
EISModelDefException(String, Throwable, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISModelDefException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and stack trace.
EISServerException - Exception in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Has the same semantics as com.wrq.apptrieve.agent.ServerException.
EISServerException() - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISServerException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
EISServerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISServerException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
EISServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISServerException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EISServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISServerException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
EISServerException(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISServerException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and stack trace.
EISServerException(String, Throwable, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISServerException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and stack trace.
EISUserException - Exception in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Has the same semantics as com.wrq.apptrieve.agent.UserException.
EISUserException() - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISUserException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
EISUserException(String) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
EISUserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EISUserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
EISUserException(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and stack trace.
EISUserException(String, Throwable, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.EISUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and stack trace.


getConnectionToken() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Key for resuming a passivated session - defaults to empty string.
getExecutionTimeout() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
The number of milliseconds an Interaction will wait for VHI to execute the specified function.
getExpectedEntity() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Name of the expected entity for activating a session - defaults to empty string.
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
The number of rows to return.
getFilterCaseSensitive() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Specifies whether filter parameters are case sensitive.
getFunctionName() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Name of the procedure to execute.
getInteractionVerb() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Mode for this interaction with VHI.
getModelVariables() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Model variables property - defaults to empty map.
getOutputColumnNames() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Specifies the output column names to return from this interaction.
getPassword() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Password property - defaults to empty string.
getUserName() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
User name property - defaults to empty string.


InteractionSpecImpl - Class in com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client
Parameter for executing procedures in a CCI interaction.
InteractionSpecImpl() - Constructor for class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Default constructor.


removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Removes a listener from bound properties.


setConnectionToken(String) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Key for resuming a passivated session - defaults to empty string.
setExecutionTimeout(long) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
The number of milliseconds an Interaction will wait for VHI to execute the specified function.
setExpectedEntity(String) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Name of the expected entity for activating a session - defaults to empty string.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
The number of rows to return.
setFilterCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Specifies whether filter parameters are case sensitive.
setFunctionName(String) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Name of the procedure to execute.
setInteractionVerb(int) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Mode for this interaction with VHI.
setModelVariables(Map) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Model variables property - defaults to empty map.
setOutputColumnNames(List) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Specifies the output column names to return from this interaction.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Password property - defaults to empty string.
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
User name property - defaults to empty string.


toString() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.ConnectionSpecImpl
Returns a representation of the object as a string.
toString() - Method in class com.attachmate.vhi.resource.client.InteractionSpecImpl
Returns a representation of the object as a string.


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