Interface ModelMoveCursorForwardEvent

All Superinterfaces:
Event, HostSessionEvent, ModelCursorEvent, ModelEvent

public interface ModelMoveCursorForwardEvent
extends ModelCursorEvent

Model move cursor forward event information.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void defaultMoveCursorForward()
          Executes the model-defined move cursor forward command list and waits for the cursor position to change.
Methods inherited from interface com.wrq.vhi.script.api.ModelCursorEvent
getEventCursorPosition, getTabStops
Methods inherited from interface com.wrq.vhi.script.api.HostSessionEvent

Method Detail


void defaultMoveCursorForward()
                              throws ApptrieveException
Executes the model-defined move cursor forward command list and waits for the cursor position to change. If tabstops are defined on the current entity, VHI will wait for the cursor to arrive at a tab stop.

An exception will be thrown if the move forward command list fails or the cursor does not end up at a tab stop when tab stops are defined.

NOTE: An exception will not be thrown if the cursor does not move.
