Package com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn

This is the com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn package summary.


Interface Summary
AppConnAidKey AppConnAidKey
AppConnChannel AppConnChannel is an interface defining the Host Integrator server channel layer methods.
AppConnMetaData AppConnMetaData is the base interface for all metadata information classes in the appconn package.
AppConnModel Interface to Model objects (entities, recordsets, attributes).
AppConnTable This interface defines the methods that allow access to the tables and procedures defined in a Host Integrator model.
AppConnTerm AppConnTerm is an interface defining the Host Integrator terminal commands.

Class Summary
AppConnModelRecord This class holds attribute values or a single row of recordset data.
AppConnRecord This class holds a single row of table data.
AppConnRecordSet An AppConnRecordSet contains data and metadata from a recordset or table.
AppConnRejuvenationSession AppConnRejuvenationSession is an extension to the AppConnSession object with some added methods to support rejuvenation.
AppConnSession AppConnSession is the primary class used to communicate with the Host Integrator Server.
AttributeMetaData Provides metadata about an attribute that is defined on an entity of a Host Integrator model.
ColumnMetaData Provides metadata about a column that is defined in a table of a Host Integrator model.
ElementLocation ElementLocation provides location information about a particular Host Integrator entity attribute, pattern, recordset field, or recordset.
FieldMetaData Provides metadata about a field that is defined in a recordset of a Host Integrator model.
OperationMetaData Provides metadata about an operation that is defined on an entity of a Host Integrator model.
ProcedureMetaData Provides metadata about a procedure that is defined on a table of a Host Integrator model.
RecordSetMetaData Provides metadata about a recordset that is defined on an entity of a Host Integrator model.
TerminalAttributes TerminalAttributes provides terminal attribute information about a Host Integrator entity attribute or recordset field.
TerminalField TerminalField provides information about a host terminal field on a current Host Integrator entity.
VariableMetaData Provides metadata about a model variable that is defined in a Host Integrator model.

Exception Summary
AppConnException AppConnException contains the exception information.
MetaDataOnlyException A MetaDataOnlyException is thrown when a session has been set to meta-data only and a method is called that requires a host session.

Package com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn Description

This is the com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn package summary.