Class AppConnRejuvenationSession

  extended by com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnSession
      extended by com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnRejuvenationSession
All Implemented Interfaces:
AppConnAidKey, AppConnChannel, AppConnModel, AppConnTable, AppConnTerm

public final class AppConnRejuvenationSession
extends AppConnSession

AppConnRejuvenationSession is an extension to the AppConnSession object with some added methods to support rejuvenation.

Field Summary
static int ErrorLineColor
          Color index value for AS/400 error line.
static int HostBlueColor
          Host Blue -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int HostGreenColor
          Host Green -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int HostPinkColor
          Host Pink -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int HostRedColor
          Host Red -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int HostTurquoiseColor
          Host Turquoise -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int HostWhiteColor
          Host White -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int HostYellowColor
          Host Yellow -- Color set by an extended host attribute.
static int MessageLineColor
          Color index value for AS/400 message line.
static int OIA_LINES
          Number of OIA / Status lines on screen.
static int ProtectedHighlightAlphaColor
          Protected Highlighted Alpha field color.
static int ProtectedHighlightNumericColor
          Protected Highlighted Numeric field color.
static int ProtectedNormalAlphaColor
          Protected Normal Alpha field color.
static int ProtectedNormalNumericColor
          Protected Normal Numeric field color.
static int StatusLineColor
          Host Status Line -- Color of host status line or OIA.
static int SysRequestColor
          Color index value for AS/400 sys request text.
static int UnprotectedHighlightAlphaColor
          Unprotected Highlighted Alpha field color.
static int UnprotectedHighlightNumericColor
          Unprotected Highlighted Numeric field color.
static int UnprotectedNormalAlphaColor
          Unprotected Normal Alpha field color.
static int UnprotectedNormalNumericColor
          Unprotected Normal Numeric field color.
Fields inherited from class com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnSession
doEngBundle, doLocBundle, remoteChannel, serverAgent, sessionLocale
Fields inherited from interface com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnChannel
LOG_ALL_MESSAGES, LOG_ERRORS, LOG_WARNINGS_AND_ERRORS, SessionType3270, SessionType5250, SessionTypeHP, SessionTypeUnknown, SessionTypeVT
Fields inherited from interface com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnModel
ScrollEnd, ScrollHome, ScrollLineDown, ScrollLineUp, ScrollPageDown, ScrollPageUp, SyncToHost
Fields inherited from interface com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnAidKey
HP_ACK_Key, HP_BackSpace_Key, HP_BackTab_Key, HP_BEL_Key, HP_Break_Key, HP_BS_Key, HP_CAN_Key, HP_ClearDisplay_Key, HP_ClearLine_Key, HP_ConfigKeys_Key, HP_CR_Key, HP_CTRLA_Key, HP_CTRLB_Key, HP_CTRLBACKSLASH_Key, HP_CTRLC_Key, HP_CTRLCARET_Key, HP_CTRLD_Key, HP_CTRLE_Key, HP_CTRLF_Key, HP_CTRLG_Key, HP_CTRLH_Key, HP_CTRLI_Key, HP_CTRLJ_Key, HP_CTRLK_Key, HP_CTRLL_Key, HP_CTRLLEFTBRACKET_Key, HP_CTRLM_Key, HP_CTRLN_Key, HP_CTRLO_Key, HP_CTRLP_Key, HP_CTRLQ_Key, HP_CTRLR_Key, HP_CTRLRIGHTBRACKET_Key, HP_CTRLS_Key, HP_CTRLSPACE_Key, HP_CTRLT_Key, HP_CTRLU_Key, HP_CTRLUNDERBAR_Key, HP_CTRLV_Key, HP_CTRLW_Key, HP_CTRLX_Key, HP_CTRLY_Key, HP_CTRLZ_Key, HP_DC1_Key, HP_DC2_Key, HP_DC3_Key, HP_DC4_Key, HP_Delete_Key, HP_DeleteChar_Key, HP_DeleteCharWrap_Key, HP_DeleteLine_Key, HP_DLE_Key, HP_Down_Key, HP_EM_Key, HP_ENQ_Key, HP_Enter_Key, HP_EOT_Key, HP_Esc_Key, HP_Escape_Key, HP_ETB_Key, HP_ETX_Key, HP_Extend_Key, HP_F1_Key, HP_F2_Key, HP_F3_Key, HP_F4_Key, HP_F5_Key, HP_F6_Key, HP_F7_Key, HP_F8_Key, HP_FF_Key, HP_FS_Key, HP_GS_Key, HP_HardReset_Key, HP_HomeDown_Key, HP_HomeLeft_Key, HP_HomeRight_Key, HP_HomeUp_Key, HP_HT_Key, HP_InsertChar_Key, HP_InsertCharWrap_Key, HP_InsertLine_Key, HP_Left_Key, HP_LF_Key, HP_Menu_Key, HP_Modes_Key, HP_NAK_Key, HP_NextPage_Key, HP_NUL_Key, HP_PrevPage_Key, HP_Return_Key, HP_Right_Key, HP_RollLeft_Key, HP_RollRight_Key, HP_RS_Key, HP_ScrollDown_Key, HP_ScrollUp_Key, HP_Select_Key, HP_SI_Key, HP_SmartEnter_Key, HP_SO_Key, HP_SoftReset_Key, HP_SOH_Key, HP_Stop_Key, HP_STX_Key, HP_SUB_Key, HP_SYN_Key, HP_System_Key, HP_Tab_Key, HP_Up_Key, HP_US_Key, HP_User_Key, HP_UserCfg_Key, HP_VT_Key, IBM_AltCursor_Key, IBM_Attn_Key, IBM_AU1_Key, IBM_AU10_Key, IBM_AU11_Key, IBM_AU12_Key, IBM_AU13_Key, IBM_AU14_Key, IBM_AU15_Key, IBM_AU16_Key, IBM_AU2_Key, IBM_AU3_Key, IBM_AU4_Key, IBM_AU5_Key, IBM_AU6_Key, IBM_AU7_Key, IBM_AU8_Key, IBM_AU9_Key, IBM_BackSpace_Key, IBM_BackTab_Key, IBM_CentSymbol_Key, IBM_Clear_Key, IBM_ClearPartition_Key, IBM_CursorBlink_Key, IBM_CursorSelect_Key, IBM_Delete_Key, IBM_DeleteChar_Key, IBM_DeleteWord_Key, IBM_DestrBackSpace_Key, IBM_DeviceCancel_Key, IBM_Down_Key, IBM_DownDouble_Key, IBM_Dup_Key, IBM_Duplicate_Key, IBM_EndOfField_Key, IBM_Enter_Key, IBM_EraseEOF_Key, IBM_EraseInput_Key, IBM_ExtGR_Key, IBM_F1_Key, IBM_F10_Key, IBM_F11_Key, IBM_F12_Key, IBM_F13_Key, IBM_F14_Key, IBM_F15_Key, IBM_F16_Key, IBM_F17_Key, IBM_F18_Key, IBM_F19_Key, IBM_F2_Key, IBM_F20_Key, IBM_F21_Key, IBM_F22_Key, IBM_F23_Key, IBM_F24_Key, IBM_F3_Key, IBM_F4_Key, IBM_F5_Key, IBM_F6_Key, IBM_F7_Key, IBM_F8_Key, IBM_F9_Key, IBM_FieldDelim_Key, IBM_FieldExit_Key, IBM_FieldMark_Key, IBM_FieldMinus_Key, IBM_FieldPlus_Key, IBM_Help_Key, IBM_Hex_Key, IBM_Home_Key, IBM_Ident_Key, IBM_Insert_Key, IBM_KeyClick_Key, IBM_Left, IBM_LeftDouble_Key, IBM_NewLine_Key, IBM_NextWord_Key, IBM_NotSymbol_Key, IBM_PA1_Key, IBM_PA2_Key, IBM_PA3_Key, IBM_PageDown_Key, IBM_PageUp_Key, IBM_PanLeft_Key, IBM_PanRight_Key, IBM_PartitionJump_Key, IBM_PF1_Key, IBM_PF10_Key, IBM_PF11_Key, IBM_PF12_Key, IBM_PF13_Key, IBM_PF14_Key, IBM_PF15_Key, IBM_PF16_Key, IBM_PF17_Key, IBM_PF18_Key, IBM_PF19_Key, IBM_PF2_Key, IBM_PF20_Key, IBM_PF21_Key, IBM_PF22_Key, IBM_PF23_Key, IBM_PF24_Key, IBM_PF3_Key, IBM_PF4_Key, IBM_PF5_Key, IBM_PF6_Key, IBM_PF7_Key, IBM_PF8_Key, IBM_PF9_Key, IBM_PlusCR_Key, IBM_Print_Key, IBM_PrintPart_Key, IBM_Reset_Key, IBM_Right_Key, IBM_RightDouble_Key, IBM_RollDown_Key, IBM_RollUp_Key, IBM_Rule_Key, IBM_ScrollDown_Key, IBM_ScrollUp_Key, IBM_SLPAutoEnter_Key, IBM_SOSIGenerate_Key, IBM_SplitVBar_Key, IBM_SysRequest_Key, IBM_Tab_Key, IBM_Test_Key, IBM_Up_Key, IBM_UpDouble_Key, VT_0_Key, VT_1_Key, VT_2_Key, VT_3_Key, VT_4_Key, VT_5_Key, VT_6_Key, VT_7_Key, VT_8_Key, VT_9_Key, VT_ACK_Key, VT_BEL_Key, VT_Break_Key, VT_BS_Key, VT_BSP_Key, VT_CAN_Key, VT_Compose_Key, VT_CR_Key, VT_CTRLA_Key, VT_CTRLB_Key, VT_CTRLBACKSLASH_Key, VT_CTRLC_Key, VT_CTRLCARET_Key, VT_CTRLD_Key, VT_CTRLE_Key, VT_CTRLF_Key, VT_CTRLG_Key, VT_CTRLH_Key, VT_CTRLJ_Key, VT_CTRLK_Key, VT_CTRLL_Key, VT_CTRLM_Key, VT_CTRLN_Key, VT_CTRLO_Key, VT_CTRLP_Key, VT_CTRLQ_Key, VT_CTRLR_Key, VT_CTRLRIGHTBRACKET_Key, VT_CTRLS_Key, VT_CTRLSPACE_Key, VT_CTRLT_Key, VT_CTRLU_Key, VT_CTRLUNDERBAR_Key, VT_CTRLV_Key, VT_CTRLW_Key, VT_CTRLX_Key, VT_CTRLY_Key, VT_CTRLZ_Key, VT_CursD_Key, VT_CursL_Key, VT_CursR_Key, VT_CursU_Key, VT_DC1_Key, VT_DC2_Key, VT_DC3_Key, VT_DC4_Key, VT_Decimal_Key, VT_Del_Key, VT_Disconnect_Key, VT_DLE_Key, VT_EM_Key, VT_ENQ_Key, VT_Enter_Key, VT_EOT_Key, VT_Esc_Key, VT_ETB_Key, VT_ETX_Key, VT_F10_Key, VT_F11_Key, VT_F12_Key, VT_F13_Key, VT_F14_Key, VT_F15_Key, VT_F16_Key, VT_F17_Key, VT_F18_Key, VT_F19_Key, VT_F20_Key, VT_F6_Key, VT_F7_Key, VT_F8_Key, VT_F9_Key, VT_FF_Key, VT_Find_Key, VT_FS_Key, VT_GS_Key, VT_HoldScreen_Key, VT_HoldScreenClear_Key, VT_HoldScreenSet_Key, VT_Ins_Key, VT_KP0_Key, VT_KP1_Key, VT_KP2_Key, VT_KP3_Key, VT_KP4_Key, VT_KP5_Key, VT_KP6_Key, VT_KP7_Key, VT_KP8_Key, VT_KP9_Key, VT_KPComma_Key, VT_KPDot_Key, VT_KPMinus_Key, VT_LF_Key, VT_NAK_Key, VT_NextPage_Key, VT_NextScr_Key, VT_NUL_Key, VT_PF1_Key, VT_PF2_Key, VT_PF3_Key, VT_PF4_Key, VT_PrevPage_Key, VT_PrevScr_Key, VT_PrtD_Key, VT_Remove_Key, VT_Retrn_Key, VT_RS_Key, VT_ScrollDown_Key, VT_ScrollUp_Key, VT_Select_Key, VT_SendNull_Key, VT_SI_Key, VT_SO_Key, VT_SOH_Key, VT_Stop_Key, VT_STX_Key, VT_SUB_Key, VT_SYN_Key, VT_Tab_Key, VT_UDK10_Key, VT_UDK11_Key, VT_UDK12_Key, VT_UDK13_Key, VT_UDK14_Key, VT_UDK15_Key, VT_UDK16_Key, VT_UDK17_Key, VT_UDK18_Key, VT_UDK19_Key, VT_UDK20_Key, VT_UDK6_Key, VT_UDK7_Key, VT_UDK8_Key, VT_UDK9_Key, VT_US_Key, VT_VT_Key, VT_XAb_Key
Constructor Summary
          Constructor of the AppConnRejuvenationSession class.
Method Summary
 AppConnRecordSet fetchRecords(int maxRows, java.util.List fieldNames, java.lang.String filterExpression)
          Fetches up to max rows of data from the Host Integrator Server for the current recordset of the current entity.
 AppConnModelRecord getCurrentRecord()
          Fetches the current record in the current recordset.
 int getCurrentRecordIndex()
          Gets the index number of the current record in the current recordset.
 int getScreenCRC()
          Get a CRC for the current screen, based on input field locations, sizes, and character content.
 TerminalScreen getTerminalScreen()
          Fetch a TerminalScreen object that represents the current host screen.
 AppConnModelRecord nextRecord(java.lang.String filterExpression)
          Finds and return a record in the current recordset using a filter expression.
 void setCurrentEntity(java.lang.String entityName)
          Sets the current entity.
 boolean setCurrentRecordIndex(int index)
          Changes the index number of the current record in the current recordset.
 void setCurrentRecordSetByName(java.lang.String recordSetName)
          Sets the current recordset by name.
 void setHiddenAttributes(java.util.List attributes)
 void setLegacyRejuvenation(boolean f)
          Set or clear flag to support legacy rejuvenation.
 boolean terminalUpdatesPresent()
          Determine if there are terminal screen updates pending.
 void waitForStableDisplay()
          Wait for a stable terminal display.
 void waitForStableDisplay(int durationMilliSeconds, int timeLimitSeconds)
          Wait for a stable terminal display.
Methods inherited from class com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnSession
connectToModel, connectToModelViaDomain, connectToSession, connectToSessionViaDomain, disconnect, disconnect, enableTerminalAttributes, executeSQLStatement, executeSQLStatement, getAttributeAtCursor, getAttributeLocations, getAttributeMetaData, getAttributes, getColumnMetaData, getConnectionTimeout, getCurrentEntity, getCurrentRecordSetName, getEntityAttributes, getEntityDescription, getEntityOperations, getEntityRecordSets, getFieldLocations, getFieldMetaData, getHomeEntityName, getLastRequestID, getLocale, getLoggingLevel, getMajorVersion, getMethodTimeout, getMinorVersion, getModelEntities, getModelName, getModelVariableNames, getModelVariables, getModelVersionString, getOperationMetaData, getPatternLocations, getProcedureMetaData, getRecordSetLocations, getRecordSetMetaData, getServerName, getSessionID, getSessionType, getStringAtCursor, getStringAtOffset, getStringAtRowColumn, getTableColumns, getTableDescription, getTableNames, getTableProcedures, getTerminalFieldAtCursor, getVariableMetaData, getVersionString, insertRecord, insertRecords, insertStringAtCursor, insertStringAtOffset, insertStringAtRowColumn, isConnected, isConnectionSecure, isMetaDataOnly, localizeError, moveCurrentRecordIndex, performAidKey, performEntityOperation, performTableProcedure, processString, requireSecureConnection, resumeConnection, selectCurrentRecord, selectRecordByFilter, selectRecordByIndex, setAttributes, setAttributesDelayed, setConnectionTimeout, setLocale, setLoggingLevel, setMetaDataOnly, setMethodTimeout, setModelVariables, suspendConnection, updateCurrentRecord, updateRecordByFilter, updateRecordByIndex, updateRecords, waitForCondition, waitForCursor, waitForEntityChange, waitForString, waitForStringRelCursor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int HostRedColor
Host Red -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HostBlueColor
Host Blue -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HostPinkColor
Host Pink -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HostGreenColor
Host Green -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HostTurquoiseColor
Host Turquoise -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HostYellowColor
Host Yellow -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HostWhiteColor
Host White -- Color set by an extended host attribute.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int StatusLineColor
Host Status Line -- Color of host status line or OIA.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ProtectedNormalAlphaColor
Protected Normal Alpha field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ProtectedNormalNumericColor
Protected Normal Numeric field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ProtectedHighlightAlphaColor
Protected Highlighted Alpha field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ProtectedHighlightNumericColor
Protected Highlighted Numeric field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UnprotectedNormalAlphaColor
Unprotected Normal Alpha field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UnprotectedNormalNumericColor
Unprotected Normal Numeric field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UnprotectedHighlightAlphaColor
Unprotected Highlighted Alpha field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UnprotectedHighlightNumericColor
Unprotected Highlighted Numeric field color.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MessageLineColor
Color index value for AS/400 message line.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ErrorLineColor
Color index value for AS/400 error line.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SysRequestColor
Color index value for AS/400 sys request text.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OIA_LINES
Number of OIA / Status lines on screen.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AppConnRejuvenationSession()
Constructor of the AppConnRejuvenationSession class.

Method Detail


public void setLegacyRejuvenation(boolean f)
Set or clear flag to support legacy rejuvenation. When this flag is set, VHI model naming conventions such as _HIDE, _SHOW, and _NOCACHE are applied in the rejuvenation session.

f - Flag value for legacy rejuvenation.


public void waitForStableDisplay()
                          throws ChannelException,
Wait for a stable terminal display. A stable display means that no data has been received from the host for a specified time period.

This method has the same effect as calling waitForStableDisplay(400 2)

ChannelException - if the connection is meta-data only
ServerException - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public void waitForStableDisplay(int durationMilliSeconds,
                                 int timeLimitSeconds)
                          throws ChannelException,
Wait for a stable terminal display. A stable display means that no data has been received from the host for a specified time period. The method returns when either:

durationMilliSeconds - Duration of host communication silence
timeLimitSeconds - Maximum time to wait for the duration of silence to occur.
ChannelException - if the connection is meta-data only
ServerException - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public boolean terminalUpdatesPresent()
                               throws ChannelException,
Determine if there are terminal screen updates pending. This method will return true if the host sent more data after the previous call to waitForStableDisplay returned.

True if there are pending screen updates.
ChannelException - if the connection is meta-data only
ServerException - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public TerminalScreen getTerminalScreen()
                                 throws ChannelException,
Fetch a TerminalScreen object that represents the current host screen. This object contains methods that are useful to create a terminal-like rendering of the screen, for example, in a web browser.

A TerminalScreen object
ChannelException - if the connection is meta-data only
ServerException - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public int getScreenCRC()
                 throws ChannelException,
Get a CRC for the current screen, based on input field locations, sizes, and character content.

Screen input field CRC value.
ChannelException - if the connection is meta-data only
ServerException - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public void setCurrentEntity(java.lang.String entityName)
                      throws AppConnException,
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel

Sets the current entity.

The legacy application will traverse to the screen that corresponds to that entity.

Reasons for failure include:

  1. Server session has not been established.
  2. Invalid entity name.
  3. No traversal path to entity.

Specified by:
setCurrentEntity in interface AppConnModel
setCurrentEntity in class AppConnSession
entityName - java.lang.String - Name of the entity in the Host Integrator model
AppConnException - - if there is a parameter error
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs
See Also:


public void setCurrentRecordSetByName(java.lang.String recordSetName)
                               throws AppConnException,
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel

Sets the current recordset by name. This is only needed if there is more than one recordset for the current entity.

Specified by:
setCurrentRecordSetByName in interface AppConnModel
setCurrentRecordSetByName in class AppConnSession
recordSetName - java.lang.String - The name of the recordset to make current
AppConnException - - if there is a parameter error
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs
See Also:


public AppConnRecordSet fetchRecords(int maxRows,
                                     java.util.List fieldNames,
                                     java.lang.String filterExpression)
                              throws ApptrieveException
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel
Fetches up to max rows of data from the Host Integrator Server for the current recordset of the current entity. If the number of rows to fetch is specified as 0 then the number of rows that will be returned is unlimited. The set of records returned begins with the first record following the current record. If the current record is before the first record in the recordset, searching starts with the first record.

For fetchRecords, the current record is the last record included in returned set of records.

If attributeNames is null, fetchRecords will return all fields for each record.

Specified by:
fetchRecords in interface AppConnModel
fetchRecords in class AppConnSession
maxRows - int - The maximum number of rows that will be fetch
fieldNames - java.util.List - List of the field names to fetch from the entity
filterExpression - java.lang.String - An expression that qualifies the records to fetch
com.wrq.apptrieve.appconn.AppConnRecordSet - the resulting records fetched from the Host Integrator server. If no records match the filterExpression, the method returns an AppConnRecordSet object containing no records.
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public AppConnModelRecord nextRecord(java.lang.String filterExpression)
                              throws ApptrieveException
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel
Finds and return a record in the current recordset using a filter expression. See AppConnModel for filter expression syntax.

Searching starts with the record following the current record. If the current record is before the first record in the recordset, searching starts with the first record.

Specified by:
nextRecord in interface AppConnModel
nextRecord in class AppConnSession
filterExpression - java.lang.String - An expression that qualifies the record to find. (null matches any record)
AppConnModelRecord - the first record that matches the filterExpression. If no record matches the filterExpression, the method returns an AppConnModelRecord object that has no data values and has the index number set to -1.
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs


public AppConnModelRecord getCurrentRecord()
                                    throws ApptrieveException
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel

Fetches the current record in the current recordset.

Specified by:
getCurrentRecord in interface AppConnModel
getCurrentRecord in class AppConnSession
AppConnModelRecord - the current record. If there is no current record, the method returns an AppConnModelRecord object that has no data values and has the index number set to -1.
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs
See Also:
AppConnModel.nextRecord(java.lang.String), AppConnModel.setCurrentRecordIndex(int), AppConnModel.getCurrentRecordIndex()


public int getCurrentRecordIndex()
                          throws ApptrieveException
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel
Gets the index number of the current record in the current recordset.

Specified by:
getCurrentRecordIndex in interface AppConnModel
getCurrentRecordIndex in class AppConnSession
int - the index of the current record
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs
See Also:
AppConnModel.setCurrentRecordIndex(int), AppConnModel.getCurrentRecord()


public boolean setCurrentRecordIndex(int index)
                              throws ApptrieveException
Description copied from interface: AppConnModel

Changes the index number of the current record in the current recordset.

To force the current record to be the current host record, use the AppConnModel field AppConnModel.SyncToHost, which has a value of -1, as the index parameter.

Specified by:
setCurrentRecordIndex in interface AppConnModel
setCurrentRecordIndex in class AppConnSession
index - int - The index of the record to make current
boolean - true if the current record was changed to the corresponding to index, false if not
ApptrieveException - - if a Host Integrator server error occurs
See Also:
AppConnModel.getCurrentRecordIndex(), AppConnModel.getCurrentRecord()


public void setHiddenAttributes(java.util.List attributes)