Defines the .NET Programming Interface for Verastream Host Integrator.
Class | Description |
AttributeMetaData | The methods and properties in the AttributeMetaData class manage attribute metadata. |
ColumnMetaData | The methods and properties in the ColumnMetaData class manage data based in table columns. |
ElementLocation | The methods and properties in the ElementLocation class provide information from the element location. |
ErrorMessage | The methods and properties of this class provide information associated with an error message. |
FieldMetaData | The methods and properties in the FieldMetaData class manage fields. |
HostIntegratorChannelException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorChannelException class provide information on errors that occur in the network interactions with the Host Integrator server. |
HostIntegratorConnectorException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorConnectorException class provide information on errors that occur in the Verastream connector. |
HostIntegratorDeadSessionException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorDeadSessionException class provide information on errors that occur at the Host Integrator server resulting from fatal errors that occur between the Host Integrator server and the host's terminal session. Such conditions are not recoverable. |
HostIntegratorException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorException class provide information on any errors that occur with the Verastream .NET API. |
HostIntegratorMarshallerException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorMarshallerException class provide information on errors that occur in the network type marshaller. |
HostIntegratorModelDataException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorModelDataException class provides information on errors that occur at the Host Integrator server resulting from bad arguments passed in method calls. |
HostIntegratorModelDefException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorModelDefException class provide information on errors that occur at the Host Integrator server resulting from bad arguments passed in method calls, particularly those that refer to non-existent model elements (for example, an entity name that is not defined in the model). |
HostIntegratorRejuvenationSession | This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
HostIntegratorServerException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorModelServerException class provide information on errors that occur at the Host Integrator server. |
HostIntegratorSession | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorSession class interact with a host session. |
HostIntegratorTerminalException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorModelTerminalException class provide information on errors that occur at the Host Integrator server resulting from errors that originate on the host's terminal session. |
HostIntegratorTimeoutException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorModelTimeoutException class relay method call timeouts to the user. |
HostIntegratorUserException | The methods and properties in the HostIntegratorModelUserException class provide information on errors that occur at the Host Integrator server dealing with error conditions defined by the model author. |
InputFieldInfo | This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
MetaData | The methods and properties in the MetaData class provide information on Host Integrator metadata. This class also serves as the base class for all other kinds of metadata used in Host Integrator. |
ModelDataColumn | The methods and properties in the ModelDataColumn class extend the the DataColumn class, with functionality specific to Host Integrator. |
ModelDataTable | The methods and properties in the ModelDataTable class extend the the DataTable class, with functionality specific to Host Integrator. |
OperationMetaData | The methods and properties in the OperationMetaData class manage operation metadata. |
ProcedureMetaData | The methods and properties in the ProcedureMetaData class manage procedure metadata. |
RecordSetMetaData | The methods and properties in the RecordSetMetaData class manage recordset metadata. |
Screen | This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
ScreenField | This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
TerminalAttributes | The methods and properties in the TerminalAttributes class return information about the terminal attributes of the associated field. |
TerminalField | The properties in this class return information about the associated terminal field. |
TerminalScreen | This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
VariableMetaData | The methods and properties in the ProcedureMetaData class manage model variable metadata. |
Enumeration | Description |
AidKey | Defines a set of constants used by the PerformAidKey method. |
Color | Defines a set of constants used by the Color property. |
ColumnType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the ColumnType property. |
ElementType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the ElementType property. |
LoggingLevel | Defines a set of constants used by the GetLoggingLevel and SetLoggingLevel methods. |
MetaDataType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the DataType property. |
ProcedureType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the ProcedureType property. |
RegionType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the RegionType property. |
RejuvenationAidKey | This enumeration supports the Verastream .NET API framework and is not intended to be used directly in your code. |
RejuvenationEnablementMode | This enumeration supports the Verastream .NET API framework and is not intended to be used directly in your code. |
RejuvenationMethod | This enumeration supports the Verastream .NET API framework and is not intended to be used directly in your code. |
ScrollMovement | Defines a set of constants used by the MoveCurrentRecordIndex method and the ScrollMovements property. |
SessionType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the SessionType property. |
VariableInitialization | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the Initialization property. |
VariableType | Defines a set of constants that can be returned by the VariableType property. |