Verastream Host Integrator .Net Reference

HostIntegratorRejuvenationSession Members

Public Instance Constructors

HostIntegratorRejuvenationSession Constructor

This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code.

Public Instance Properties

ConnectionTimeout (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets or sets how long Host Integrator continues attempting to establish a connection if for any reason the connection cannot be established on the first try (in seconds).
ErrorScreen (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)This property is a terminal screen snapshot taken when a runtime error occurred on the VHI server.
IsConnected (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets whether the Host Integrator server session is connected.
IsSecureConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets whether the Host Integrator server session is using a secure connection.
LegacyRejuvenationSets or gets whether legacy rejuvenation behavior is in effect.
MetaDataOnly (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets or gets whether the current session is "metadata only."
MethodTimeout (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets or sets the method timeout for a Host Integrator server session (in milliseconds).
ModelName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the name of the Host Integrator model for the current session.
ModelVersionString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the version of the model.
ScreenCRCThis class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code.
ServerName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the name of the Host Integrator server for the current session.
SessionType (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the terminal emulation type of the host session.
TerminalUpdatesPresentThis class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code.

Public Instance Methods

ConnectToModel (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates a host session with the specified model.
ConnectToModelViaDomain (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates a host session with the specified model. The connection is made using the specified AADS server and Host Integrator domain.
ConnectToSession (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates or allocates a host session with the specified session pool.
ConnectToSessionViaDomain (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates or allocates a host session with the specified session pool. The connection is made using the specified AADS server and Host Integrator domain.
Disconnect (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Disconnects from a Host Integrator server session.
EnableTerminalAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Enables the availability of terminal attributes when retrieving attribute or field data from the Host Integrator server.
Equals (inherited from Object)
ExecuteSQLStatement (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Executes an SQL statement on a table defined in the model.
FetchRecords (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Fetches data from the Host Integrator server for the current recordset of the current entity.
GetAttributeAtCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the name of the attribute at the current cursor position.
GetAttributeLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Gets locations for attributes of the current entity.
GetAttributeMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for the specified attribute and entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Gets attributes for the current entity.
GetColumnMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for a table column in the Host Integrator model.
GetCurrentEntity (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the name of the current entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetCurrentRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the current record in the current recordset.
GetCurrentRecordIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the index number of the current record in the current recordset.
GetCurrentRecordSetName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the name of the current recordset.
GetEntityAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the names of the attributes for the specified entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetEntityDescription (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the description for the specified entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetEntityOperations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the names of the operations in the specified entity.
GetEntityRecordSets (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the names of the recordsets in the specified entity.
GetFieldLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Gets field locations for the current record in the current recordset in the current entity.
GetFieldMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for the specified field in the specified recordset and entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
GetHomeEntityName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the name of the home entity for the current Host Integrator model.
GetLastRequestID (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets an identifier for the most recent request performed against the current Host Integrator server session.
GetLocale (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the locale for the current session.
GetLoggingLevel (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the logging level for the current Host Integrator session.
GetMajorVersion (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the major version number for the locally installed Verastream software.
GetMinorVersion (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the minor version number for the locally installed Verastream software.
GetModelEntities (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the names of the entities in the current Host Integrator model.
GetModelVariableNames (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the names of all non-hidden model variables in the Host Integrator model.
GetModelVariables (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the values of all non-hidden model variables in the current Host Integrator model.
GetOperationMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for an operation in the current Host Integrator model.
GetPatternLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Gets the locations for all patterns for the current entity.
GetProcedureMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for a table procedure in the Host Integrator model.
GetRecordSetLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Gets the locations for all recordsets in the current entity.
GetRecordSetMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for a recordset in the specified entity.
GetSessionID (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets an identifier for the current Host Integrator session.
GetStringAtOffset (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets a string of the specified length, starting at the specified offset, from the current entity.
GetStringAtRowColumn (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets a string from a rectangular region of the current entity.
GetTableColumns (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the column names for a table in the Host Integrator model.
GetTableDescription (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the description for a table in the Host Integrator model.
GetTableNames (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the names of all tables in the Host Integrator model.
GetTableProcedures (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the procedure names for a table in the Host Integrator model.
GetTerminalFieldAtCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets a TerminalField object that contains information about the terminal field at the current cursor position on the Host Integrator screen.
GetTerminalScreenThis class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code.
GetType (inherited from Object)
GetVariableMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets metadata for a model variable in the Host Integrator model.
GetVersionString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Gets the version string for the Verastream .NET connector. This string is of the form majorVersion.minorVersion.
InsertRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Performs an insert operation for the current recordset.
InsertRecords (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Performs the insert operation for the current recordset multiple times.
InsertStringAtCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Inserts the specified string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at the current cursor position.
InsertStringAtOffset (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Inserts a string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at an offset.
InsertStringAtRowColumn (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Inserts a string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at the given row and column location.
MoveCurrentRecordIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Moves the current record index to a new position in the current recordset.
NextRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Returns the next record in the current recordset.
PerformAidKey (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Enters an aid key (for example, a Program Function key) into the current Host Integrator server session.
PerformEntityOperation (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Performs an operation on the current entity.
PerformTableProcedure (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Performs a SELECT or a DELETE procedure on a table defined in the model.
ProcessString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Calls the ProcessString event handler on the server.
RequireSecureConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Requires a secure channel on the next connection to a Host Integrator server.
ResumeConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Resumes the execution of a currently suspended Host Integrator server session.
SelectCurrentRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Selects the current record in the current recordset.
SelectRecordByFilter (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Finds a record in the current recordset using a filter expression, and perform a selection operation.
SelectRecordByIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Performs its selection operation on a record in the current recordset. The record to select is determined by the specified index number.
SetAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Sets the attributes for the current entity.
SetAttributesDelayed (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Sets the attributes for the specified entity. Attributes are not actually set until the entity is reached.
SetCurrentEntity (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets the current entity.
SetCurrentRecordIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets the current record in the current recordset, using the record's index number.
SetCurrentRecordSetByName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets the current recordset, by name.
SetHiddenAttributesSets the list of attributes that are to have their text hidden.
SetLocale (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets the locale for the current session.
SetLoggingLevel (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets the logging level for the current Host Integrator session.
SetModelVariables (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Sets the values of variables in the current Host Integrator model.
SuspendConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Suspends the execution of a currently running Host Integrator server session.
ToString (inherited from Object)
UpdateCurrentRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Sets the values for the current record in the current recordset.
UpdateRecordByFilter (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Changes the values of a record in the current recordset. The record that gets changed is the first one after the current record that satisfies the filter expression.
UpdateRecordByIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Changes the values of a record in the current recordset. The record to change is determined by the specified index number.
UpdateRecords (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Updates the values of records in the current recordset, after the current record, that satisfy the specified filter expression.
WaitForCondition (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Overloaded. Waits for recognition of the specified entity on the Host Integrator server.
WaitForCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Waits for the presence of the terminal cursor at the specified terminal screen coordinates.
WaitForEntityChange (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Waits for the recognition of any entity other than the specified entity.
WaitForStableDisplayOverloaded. This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code.
WaitForString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Waits for the presence of the specified string starting at the specified screen coordinates.
WaitForStringRelCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession)Waits for the presence of a string at a screen location relative to the current terminal screen cursor.

See Also

HostIntegratorRejuvenationSession Class | WRQ.Verastream.HostIntegrator Namespace