ConnectToModel (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates a host session with the specified model. |
ConnectToModelViaDomain (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates a host session with the specified model. The connection is made using the specified AADS server and Host Integrator domain. |
ConnectToSession (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates or allocates a host session with the specified session pool. |
ConnectToSessionViaDomain (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates or allocates a host session with the specified session pool. The connection is made using the specified AADS server and Host Integrator domain. |
Disconnect (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Disconnects from a Host Integrator server session. |
EnableTerminalAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Enables the availability of terminal attributes when retrieving attribute or field data from the Host Integrator server. |
Equals (inherited from Object) | |
ExecuteSQLStatement (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Executes an SQL statement on a table defined in the model. |
FetchRecords (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Fetches data from the Host Integrator server for the current recordset of the current entity. |
GetAttributeAtCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the name of the attribute at the current cursor position. |
GetAttributeLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Gets locations for attributes of the current entity. |
GetAttributeMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for the specified attribute and entity in the Host Integrator model. |
GetAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Gets attributes for the current entity. |
GetColumnMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for a table column in the Host Integrator model. |
GetCurrentEntity (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the name of the current entity in the Host Integrator model. |
GetCurrentRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the current record in the current recordset. |
GetCurrentRecordIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the index number of the current record in the current recordset. |
GetCurrentRecordSetName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the name of the current recordset. |
GetEntityAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the names of the attributes for the specified entity in the Host Integrator model. |
GetEntityDescription (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the description for the specified entity in the Host Integrator model. |
GetEntityOperations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the names of the operations in the specified entity. |
GetEntityRecordSets (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the names of the recordsets in the specified entity. |
GetFieldLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Gets field locations for the current record in the current recordset in the current entity. |
GetFieldMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for the specified field in the specified recordset and entity in the Host Integrator model. |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | |
GetHomeEntityName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the name of the home entity for the current Host Integrator model. |
GetLastRequestID (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets an identifier for the most recent request performed against the current Host Integrator server session. |
GetLocale (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the locale for the current session. |
GetLoggingLevel (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the logging level for the current Host Integrator session. |
GetMajorVersion (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the major version number for the locally installed Verastream software. |
GetMinorVersion (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the minor version number for the locally installed Verastream software. |
GetModelEntities (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the names of the entities in the current Host Integrator model. |
GetModelVariableNames (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the names of all non-hidden model variables in the Host Integrator model. |
GetModelVariables (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the values of all non-hidden model variables in the current Host Integrator model. |
GetOperationMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for an operation in the current Host Integrator model. |
GetPatternLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Gets the locations for all patterns for the current entity. |
GetProcedureMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for a table procedure in the Host Integrator model. |
GetRecordSetLocations (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Gets the locations for all recordsets in the current entity. |
GetRecordSetMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for a recordset in the specified entity. |
GetSessionID (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets an identifier for the current Host Integrator session. |
GetStringAtOffset (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets a string of the specified length, starting at the specified offset, from the current entity. |
GetStringAtRowColumn (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets a string from a rectangular region of the current entity. |
GetTableColumns (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the column names for a table in the Host Integrator model. |
GetTableDescription (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the description for a table in the Host Integrator model. |
GetTableNames (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the names of all tables in the Host Integrator model. |
GetTableProcedures (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the procedure names for a table in the Host Integrator model. |
GetTerminalFieldAtCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets a TerminalField object that contains information about the terminal field at the current cursor position on the Host Integrator screen. |
GetTerminalScreen | This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
GetType (inherited from Object) | |
GetVariableMetaData (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets metadata for a model variable in the Host Integrator model. |
GetVersionString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Gets the version string for the Verastream .NET connector. This string is of the form majorVersion.minorVersion. |
InsertRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Performs an insert operation for the current recordset. |
InsertRecords (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Performs the insert operation for the current recordset multiple times. |
InsertStringAtCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Inserts the specified string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at the current cursor position. |
InsertStringAtOffset (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Inserts a string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at an offset. |
InsertStringAtRowColumn (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Inserts a string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at the given row and column location. |
MoveCurrentRecordIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Moves the current record index to a new position in the current recordset. |
NextRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Returns the next record in the current recordset. |
PerformAidKey (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Enters an aid key (for example, a Program Function key) into the current Host Integrator server session. |
PerformEntityOperation (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Performs an operation on the current entity. |
PerformTableProcedure (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Performs a SELECT or a DELETE procedure on a table defined in the model. |
ProcessString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Calls the ProcessString event handler on the server. |
RequireSecureConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Requires a secure channel on the next connection to a Host Integrator server. |
ResumeConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Resumes the execution of a currently suspended Host Integrator server session. |
SelectCurrentRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Selects the current record in the current recordset. |
SelectRecordByFilter (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Finds a record in the current recordset using a filter expression, and perform a selection operation. |
SelectRecordByIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Performs its selection operation on a record in the current recordset. The record to select is determined by the specified index number. |
SetAttributes (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Sets the attributes for the current entity. |
SetAttributesDelayed (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Sets the attributes for the specified entity. Attributes are not actually set until the entity is reached. |
SetCurrentEntity (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Sets the current entity. |
SetCurrentRecordIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Sets the current record in the current recordset, using the record's index number. |
SetCurrentRecordSetByName (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Sets the current recordset, by name. |
SetHiddenAttributes | Sets the list of attributes that are to have their text hidden. |
SetLocale (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Sets the locale for the current session. |
SetLoggingLevel (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Sets the logging level for the current Host Integrator session. |
SetModelVariables (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Sets the values of variables in the current Host Integrator model. |
SuspendConnection (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Suspends the execution of a currently running Host Integrator server session. |
ToString (inherited from Object) | |
UpdateCurrentRecord (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Sets the values for the current record in the current recordset. |
UpdateRecordByFilter (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Changes the values of a record in the current recordset. The record that gets changed is the first one after the current record that satisfies the filter expression. |
UpdateRecordByIndex (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Changes the values of a record in the current recordset. The record to change is determined by the specified index number. |
UpdateRecords (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Updates the values of records in the current recordset, after the current record, that satisfy the specified filter expression. |
WaitForCondition (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Overloaded. Waits for recognition of the specified entity on the Host Integrator server. |
WaitForCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Waits for the presence of the terminal cursor at the specified terminal screen coordinates. |
WaitForEntityChange (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Waits for the recognition of any entity other than the specified entity. |
WaitForStableDisplay | Overloaded. This class and the elements in this class support the Verastream .NET API framework and are not intended to be used directly in your code. |
WaitForString (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Waits for the presence of the specified string starting at the specified screen coordinates. |
WaitForStringRelCursor (inherited from HostIntegratorSession) | Waits for the presence of a string at a screen location relative to the current terminal screen cursor. |