Deploying Software - Overview

In addition to the basic installation options described under Installation and Migration, administrators can use the following approaches to deploy software to end users.

Windows installations

Deploy using the Windows Installer. Use Attachmate Customization Tool to customize your installation.


  • Specify which features to install.
  • Change the default installation location.
  • Customize Windows Start menu shortcuts.
  • Chain installations and/or run additional programs automatically with your customized installation.
  • Install using silent command line options.

Requirements and limitations

  • Deploys to Windows systems only.
  • Software is not updated automatically after the install; an additional install must be made available to users.


UNIX installations

Use a response file to manage customized unattended installations.


  • Specify which features to install.
  • Change the default installation location.
  • Install using silent command line options.

Requirements and limitations

  • Deploys to UNIX systems only.
  • Software is not updated automatically after the install; an additional install must be made available to users.


Related Topics

Install Reflection X Advantage on Windows

Creating and Editing Transforms

Install on UNIX

Using a Response File to Install on UNIX Systems