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Configure an X Client

In many cases you can make your first connection using the installed sample definitions and then use the sample as a model for connecting to other clients. For details, see Launch an X Client Application Using the Sample Definitions. Use the procedure below to configure a new client without using the sample definitions.

Configure the connection

  1. Click the plus sign, plus sign, next to X Clients to create a new client definition.
  2. For Name, enter a descriptive name for this client definition.
  3. For Host name, specify the name or IP address of the computer that hosts your X client application.
  4. Select your Host type from the drop-down list. The host type you select affects:
    • The syntax and selection of sample commands shown in the Command drop-down list.
    • The default xauth command, which is used for user-based authorization. (Click Advanced to view or edit this command.)
    • (For Telnet and Rlogin) The default login sequence. (Click Advanced to view or edit the login sequence.)
  5. Select a Connection method. The default is Secure Shell. Other options are Telnet, Rexec, Rlogin, and Rsh.
  6. (Optional) Enter a value for User name. If you leave this blank, you'll be prompted for your user name when you connect.

    Note: If you're configuring Telnet, Rexec, or Rlogin, you also have the option of entering a password. Passwords are stored as clear text in the Reflection X Advantage database and in exported definition files. Leaving this blank is a more secure option; you'll be prompted for your password when you connect.

  7. For Application, leave the default, Single command, selected. Using this option provides access to sample commands, which are not available when Multiple command is selected. For most situations, it's easiest to create a new client definition for each client you want to launch.
  8. Click the Command down-arrow to display a list of sample commands for the host type you selected. For your initial tests, it's a good idea to try one of the listed commands (such as xterm). If this works, you can modify the command to start your own client application. Additional Information about configuring commands follows this procedure.
  9. From the Session list, select a default session to start when you start this client.
    • If you want your client application to run on your desktop, select a session configured to Show clients on my desktop. The sample session called "My desktop" uses this configuration.
    • If your client command launches a desktop environment such as KDE, CDE or GNOME, select a session configured to Show clients on X terminal desktop. The sample session called "X terminal desktop" uses this configuration. For these clients, also enable Always start on new instance.
  10. (Optional) Click Advanced to configure additional settings for your connection. The options available depend on the connection method.


Configuring the client command

Use the sample commands in the Command list as a starting point for creating your own commands. These commands demonstrate the use of macros (%IP#% is one example). Macros are replaced by appropriate values when the command is sent to the client host. Macros can be used to specify the IP address for the display, the display number, the host name for the display, and additional information. For a complete list of supported macros and their descriptions, see X Client Commands - Macro Reference.

The following examples demonstrate frequently used features of command-line syntax:

The following command demonstrates using the %IP#% macro to specify the IP address and display number to be used for the client display.

xterm -display %IP#%

The next example adds a screen number.

xterm -display %IP#2%

The last example adds an ampersand to the command and encloses it in parentheses. This is the syntax you'll see in the Reflection X Advantage sample commands. When the command is sent to the host, it runs in a subshell in the background. This format may be required with some Telnet connections to keep the application running.

(/usr/bin/xterm -display %IP#% &)

Note: For most connections, you can omit the parentheses and ampersand. If you do use this syntax in Secure Shell sessions, the ampersand is removed from your command before it is sent to the host. (The trailing ampersand isn't supported in combination with X11 forwarding).

Related Topics

Launch an X Client Application Using the Sample Definitions

Start a Client

Connection Problems