Install and Uninstall Reflection PKI Services Manager on UNIX
Reflection PKI Services Manager is a service that provides X.509 certificate validation services. If you configure Secure Shell connections to X client hosts that authenticate using certificates, you need to download and install this application. It is available at no additional charge from the Reflection X 2014 and Reflection Pro 2014 download pages. Use this procedure to install Reflection PKI Services Manager on UNIX systems.
To install Reflection PKI Services Manager
- Log in as root.
- Copy the installation package file to your computer and navigate to the directory that contains this file.
- Use gzip to unzip the package:
gzip -d package_name.tar.gz
For example:
gzip -d pkid_1.2.0.999-i386-solaris.gz
- Use tar to expand the file:
tar -xf package_name.tar
This creates a directory based on the package name. For example:
- Change to this directory. For example:
cd pkid_1.2.0.999-i386-solaris
- Run the install script:
- You are prompted to specify installation locations. To accept the default locations (recommended), press Enter in response to these prompts.
- On UNIX the install script automatically starts the service.
- Before Reflection PKI Services Manager can validate certificates you need to edit the default configuration and map files.
To uninstall
- Log in as root.
- Run the uninstall script. This script is installed to the bin directory in the PKI Services Manager data folder. The default path is:
Note: The uninstall script renames your existing configuration directory (/opt/attachmate/pkid/config/ by default) using a name based on the current date, and time. For example, config.20110101143755. Your local-store directory and any certificates you have added to this directory remain unchanged.