Port number
Specifies the port to connect to on the server. The default is 22, which is the standard port for Secure Shell connections.
Specifies which version of the Secure Shell protocol Reflection uses when it establishes a connection to the host. The most secure value for this setting is 2 only.
User Authentication
Click in the box next to any authentication method to clear or enable that method. You must select at least one authentication method. For protocol 2 connections, you can use the arrows to specify your order of preference. Reflection attempts each method in order, starting from the top.
Server Keep Alive
When Server Keep Alive is selected, Reflection sends NOOP messages to the server through the secure tunnel at the specified interval. Use this setting to maintain the connection to the server. Use Interval to specify how frequently server alive messages are sent. If this is setting is not enabled, the Secure Shell connection will not terminate if the server dies or the network connection is lost. This setting can also be used to keep connections that only forward TCP sessions from being timed out by the server, as the server may timeout these connections because it detects no SSH traffic.
The Secure Shell Server Keep Alive setting is not related to the TCP keep alive setting that can be set in the Windows registry to keep all TCP/IP connections from being timed out by a firewall. To change the TCP/IP keep alive behavior, you need to edit the Windows registry.
Enable compression
When Enable compression is selected, the client requests compression of all data. Compression is desirable on modem lines and other slow connections, but will only slow down response rate on fast networks. The compression level setting is available for protocol version 1 only and has no effect on protocol version 2 connections.
Reuse existing connection if available
By default, multiple sessions to the same host reuse the original Secure Shell connection, and therefore don't require re-authentication. If you clear Reuse existing connection if available, Reflection establishes a new connection for each session, which means that each new connection repeats the authentication process.
Logging Level
Determines how much information is written to the Secure Shell log file.