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Connecting to the Host

By default, terminal session documents are configured to connect to the host automatically when you create or open a terminal session. However, with a session document open in Reflection, you can manually disconnect or connect. You can also set up a session so that it doesn't automatically connect to the host.

To manually disconnect or connect to a session

  • Do one of the following:

    If you are using this "look and feel"

    Do this

    The Reflection button

    The Reflection Ribbon

    On the Session tab, in the Host group, click Print to disconnect or Print to connect.

    The Reflection button

    The Reflection Browser

    On the Reflection menu, choose Host and then Disconnect or Connect.

To stop a session from automatically connecting to the host

  1. Open a terminal session.
  2. With a session open in Reflection, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click Document settings button.
  3. Under Host Connection, click Configure Connection Settings.
  4. Under Host Connection Options, clear the Automatically connect to the host option.

Related Topics

Create a Session Document File

Open a Terminal Session

Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box (3270)

Select Host Code Page Dialog Box (3270)

Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box (5250)

Select Host Code Page Dialog Box (5250)

Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box (VT)