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Configure Kerberos for FTP Client

If you are configuring FTP connections, you can use Kerberos for both authentication and encryption.

To configure Kerberos authentication for the FTP Client

  1. Start the FTP Client.

    This opens the Connect to FTP Site dialog box. (If the FTP Client is already running and this dialog box is not open, go to Connection > Connect.)

  2. Perform one of the following tasks:


    Do This

    Create a new site

    From the Connect to FTP Site dialog box, click New.

    In the Add FTP Site dialog box, enter the name or IP address of your FTP server host, and then click Next.

    In the Login Information dialog box, select User.

    Modify an existing site

    From the Connect to FTP Site dialog box, select a site.

  3. Click Security.
  4. On the Kerberos tab, select the Reflection Kerberos check box.
  5. Select the principal and realm you want to use for Kerberos authentication to this server. If the Initial Configuration dialog box appears, type the settings for the principal name, realm, KDC host, and credentials. (This dialog box doesn't appear if your PC has a Kerberos Manager configuration file installed.)
  6. Configure any additional Kerberos options on this tab or by clicking Kerberos Manager.

    For more information about Kerberos Manager, see the documentation included with the application.

  7. Perform one of the following tasks:

    If you are

    Do This

    Creating a new site

    Click OK to close the Security Properties dialog box and then click Next.

    In the FTP User Login dialog box, type your user name on the FTP server and then click Next.

    Click Finish.

    Modifying an existing site

    Click OK to close the open dialog boxes.

  8. Click Connect to authenticate to this host and establish a connection.

    A key and/or padlock icon appears on the status bar when you have made a successful secure connection. The key indicates secure authentication, the padlock indicates an encrypted data stream.

    Settings on the Kerberos tab of the Security Properties dialog box are saved to your Reflection FTP Client settings file. Settings from Kerberos Manager and the Initial Configuration dialog box are saved in the Windows registry and apply to all installed Reflection applications that support Kerberos.

Note: Kerberos support is not available with the Reflection FTP Client that ships as part of Reflection NFS Client (full product).

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Kerberos Connections (FTP Client)