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Options Tab (More Settings Telnet Dialog Box)

Getting there

The options are:


Initiate option negotiation

Specifies whether certain connection options, including whether to always request a binary mode connection, should be negotiated when the Telnet connection is established. When cleared, connections to some hosts on the Internet are expedited so that Reflection does not attempt to initiate negotiations for Telnet options.


Trace negotiation

Select to cause Telnet to write the negotiation process for the various Telnet options to the screen. This is useful for debugging.


Request binary (Option 0)

Telnet defines a 7-bit data path between the host and the terminal (or, in this case, Reflection). This type of data path is not compatible with certain national character sets and some file transfer protocols (for example, Xmodem and Zmodem). Fortunately, many hosts allow for 8-bit data without zeroing the 8th bit, which resolves this problem. However, In some cases, it may be necessary to force the host to use an 8-bit data path by selecting this option.

Note: This option is not available when Initiate option negotiation is cleared.


Local echo (Option 1)

Select the way you want Reflection to respond to remote echo from a Telnet host:




To have Reflection



Automatic (default)

Attempt to negotiate remote echo, but do as the host commands.




Negotiate local echo with the host, but always echo.




Negotiate remote echo with the host, but not echo.


Ctrl-Break character

Select what happens when you press Ctrl+Break. By default, Reflection sends the Interrupt process sequence to the host. If your host expects a Telnet break sequence, then select this option instead.


Set host window size (Option 31)

Select to send the number of rows and columns to the Telnet host whenever they change, so that the host can properly control the cursor if the window size is changed.


Dynamic terminal size (Option 31)

Select to support dynamic update of the number of rows and columns in the display when the user resizes the terminal window. Your Telnet server and application must also support NAWS (Negotiate About Window Size), otherwise display problems can occur.

Note: You can quickly determine the screen size of the terminal window whenever you hover the mouse cursor over the Row and Column indicator (located in the left corner of the status bar). Under Telnet and Secure Shell connection types, the tooltip will also feature "Auto" if Dynamic terminal size is selected.


Linemode (Option 34)

Line mode allows Reflection to store characters in a buffer until a carriage return is entered, at which point, the characters are sent to the host in one packet (instead of sending each single character as an individual packet).

Line mode is useful when long network delays are an issue, and allows you to reduce costs on networks that charge on a per packet basis.




To use line mode when



RFC Compliant

Your host supports it, and it gets negotiated during connect.



During Local Echo

The host tells Reflection to do the echoing.



When Not in SGA

The host does not Suppress Go Ahead.



All options other than RFC Compliant are known as "faux" line mode.


Suppress local echo (Option 45)

Select to suppress the local echoing of characters to the display.


Renegotiate echo

Some hosts require a period of time to initialize a connection before accepting a request by the client to recognize and perform a Local Echo. Select this option to let Reflection attempt a second negotiation of the Local Echo option following the initialization period.

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