Kermit Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
Getting there
- Open a VT terminal session.
- On the Session ribbon, from the Transfer group, click the Transfer Settings launcher:
 - From the Transfer Settings dialog box, select the Kermit protocol.
- Click the Kermit tab.
The options are:
Transfer type
When you perform a file transfer, it defaults to the transfer type you select from this list.
To do this
Apply the items under Translation options for ASCII transfers (set from the Translation tab) to be applied to the file contents, as well as any character set translation that you have opted to perform.
Transfer the file contents unchanged.
Have Reflection select the transfer type for you.
Kermit supports three types of error checking: single-byte checksum, double-byte checksum, and 3-byte CRC. If the Kermit program at the other end of the transfer does not support the selected level, single-byte checksum is used. Single-byte is fastest, but CRC is safest.
Character set translation (ASCII)
When you perform an ASCII transfer with this option selected, Reflection translates characters based on the settings from the Translation tab of the Transfer Settings dialog box and the Emulation tab of the Terminal Setup dialog box.
File name translation
Select to invoke settings automatically under File name translation options on the Translation tab.
Automatic server mode
When selected, Reflection interacts with the host Kermit server program in the following manner:
- When you first open the Transfer dialog box, no interaction with the host occurs.
- When you request a Kermit transfer, the host is put into server mode by transmitting the Server Startup command. If you do not specify a sequence, Reflection updates its state to reflect that the host Kermit is in server mode. Reflection takes no other action.
- As long as the Transfer dialog box remains open, the host Kermit remains in server mode and transfers occur as you request them.
When Automatic Server mode is selected, any of the following actions shut down the host Kermit server program: closing the Transfer dialog box, clicking the Setup button, or changing the file transfer protocol.
SuperKermit Options
Packet size
Select the requested packet size in bytes for Kermit transfers; this value tells the SuperKermit protocol how many bytes of data to transfer at a time. This value controls the packet size used for transfers from the host. For transfers to the host, the packet size set in the host's Kermit program is used. If the host Kermit server program does not support long packets, the packet size is set to 94 bytes. Programs that support packet sizes greater than 94 bytes are often designated SuperKermit programs.
In addition to the values available from the list box, you can also type in any value from 32 to 2,048.
Window size
If the remote Kermit program supports sliding windows, this parameter determines the size of a sliding window, in packets. This value is 0-based, so the default setting (1) configures Reflection for a two-packet sliding window. Programs that support sliding windows are often designated SuperKermit programs.
If the remote Kermit doesn't support sliding windows, Reflection reverts automatically to a window size of 0 (zero).
Host system options
These startup commands are initiated from the host, which is why the term receive is used to describe the action of sending files to the host.
Note: These settings are only necessary when transferring files to and from a host system; they are not required for transferring files to and from a bulletin board.
Receive startup command
When you send a file, this command is transmitted to the host. Type the program name that starts Kermit receives on the host. If you do not indicate a receive startup sequence, you must manually start the Kermit receive program on host before you can send the local file.
The $FILENAME macro can optionally be specified. If present, it is replaced with the filename or wildcard filespec of the file that the host is to send. Use the $FILENAME macro in cases where additional text needs to appear after the filename.
You can embed the $BINARY:<string> macro in the command. This causes the specified <string> to be included in the transmitted startup sequence if the transfer type is binary; otherwise, the string is omitted. The <string> is defined as everything between $BINARY: and the next space.
Send startup command
When you receive a file, this command, along with the name of the file to be received, is transmitted to the host. Type the name of the program that starts Kermit sends on the host. If you do not indicate a send startup sequence, you must manually start the Kermit send program on the host before you can receive the host file.
You can embed the $BINARY:<string> macro in the command. This causes the specified <string> to be included in the transmitted startup sequence if the transfer type is binary; otherwise, the string is omitted. The <string> is defined as everything between $BINARY: and the next space.
Server startup command
This command is used in conjunction with the Automatic server mode check box to allow Reflection to put the host Kermit in server mode automatically. This string, followed by a CR, is transmitted to the host when Reflection wants to put the host in server mode.