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Filter Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)

Getting there

From this tab, you can restrict which files are transferred, based on the date and time of their last modification. For example, to transfer only those files created after 5:00 p.m. on October 2nd, 2008, you would select the Transfer files created after check box, then enter:

Date: 10/02/08

Time: 17:00:00

The notation for the time and date depends on how you have the time set under the Regional Options in Windows Control Panel.


Transfer files created before

Select to specify a date and time, so that only files created before this time period are transferred.


Transfer files created after

Select to specify a date and time, so that only files created after this time period are transferred.


Exclude files

Exclude files from a file transfer by typing the filename(s) in this box. You can use wildcard characters; for example, to exclude HTML and GIF files, type the following:

*.htm, *.html, *.gif

Related Topics

Configure File Transfer