Upload Client Public Keys to the Server
Use the Upload button on the User Keys tab to upload a public key to the Secure Shell server. The public key is transferred using the secure SFTP protocol. You will need the ability to use password authentication (or another authentication method) in order to upload the public key. Once the public key is successfully uploaded, you may disable other authentication methods.
To upload a key
- Open the Reflection Secure Shell Settings dialog box.
- Select a key from the User Keys tab and click Upload. (The Upload button is not available if no key is selected, or if you have selected a certificate.)
- If prompted, enter the host name, the name of the user who will authenticate, and the user password.
- After the secure connection to the host has been established, a dialog box appears, displaying information about where on the host Reflection will upload this key. In most cases you do not need to change these settings. See the notes below for more information.
The Upload Public Key dialog box displays information about the transfer.
- Click OK to close this dialog box.
- Keys uploaded to hosts running Reflection for Secure IT, F-Secure, and SSH Communications (SSH Tectia) servers are exported using RFC 4716 compliant format. By default these are installed to the user's .ssh2 directory and an appropriate Key entry is made in the authorization file. If this file did not previously exist, it is created and given appropriate file permissions.
- Keys uploaded to hosts running OpenSSH servers are exported using OPENSSH format. By default they are added to the authorized_keys file located in the user's .ssh directory. If this file did not previously exist, it is created and given appropriate file permissions.