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Running a Script as a Background Task

You can create a script and configure the FTP Client so that, when the script executes, the client runs as a background task and there is no interaction or communication with the user. To do so:

  • Create a shortcut with a startup command that automatically executes the script. In the Run box, select Minimized to specify that the FTP Client should run minimized on the desktop.
  • Have the script connect to a site for which you already have saved the user name and password and any passthrough settings needed to connect to that site. This prevents the client from prompting for connection information.
  • Include a QUIT command to have the client shut down when the script completes.
  • Use the following SET parameters to control the client display of messages and prompts:




    Set to YES to suppress the connection and transfer progress dialog boxes and the Directory Definition Wizard.


    Do not set to ASKUSER. When set to ASKUSER, the user is prompted for a transfer method if the script transfers an unrecognized file type.


    Do not set to PROMPT. When set to PROMPT, the user is prompted during transfer to specify handling for files that exist at the destination.


    Set to NO to prevent the client from prompting for confirmation prior to deleting files or folders.


    Do not set to ASKUSER. When set to ASKUSER, the user is prompted to choose whether to resume a partial transfer if the FTP Client detects that a prior incomplete server file download occurred.

Related Topics

Run a Script

Save your FTP Client Settings

Create a Shortcut to Connect to a Site

FTP Client Startup Switches

Run a Script File at Startup